Pulmonary cancer is not just men

The incidence of lung cancer does not have to increase between women (and not only among smokers). Thinking that a “masculine” tumor has been treated is an error that could lead to a diagnosis of the disease.

The toss and the pain of bad luck can be pulmonary cancer syndromes.
The toss and the pain of bad luck can be pulmonary cancer syndromes.

Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

Mortality from pulmonary cancer in Europe has decreased by up to 10% in men has increased up to 7% in women.

De hecho, it’s the tumor that kills more females than cobra is from the mother and the colon. These figures are less than the consequence of the beginning of tobacco use among women in their 60s and 70s.


What smokes is the cause of what from 90 hayan increased aumo tras año the cases of pulmonary cancer in women is a reality.

But this increase is not only justified by the restricted consumption of tobacco, but because it has been demonstrated, the woman is most sensitive to the toxic cigarettes that the man.

In addition, the Association for the Study of Pulmonary Cancer in Women (ICAPEM) sand more cases of this type of tumor between smokers smokers only among smokers, which indicates that we are smoking more predisposition that they also for genetic, hormonal and metabolic reasons.


Suintomatology alone differs in each of the individuals, this malignancy does not present signs or specific indications as to the pathology and presents a chronic and advanced stage, the syndromes in this stage of the disease son:

  • Your perseverance or empire.
  • Dolor en el pecho.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Sibilancias.
  • Tos con sangre.
  • Sensation of persistent singing.
  • Weight loss without apparent cause.

The 8 gestures that most protect your pulmonary

Although the tumor grows and interferes with the normal functions of the pulmonary can appear these sins. Come as soon as possible to the doctor to report that no cancer has occurred.

  • Tos continue that empire and no va. It is the most common syndrome in pulmonary cancer and is produced by compression of the bronchi or the trachea. The cambios in your también must be alert.
  • Nader sangre. Because the tumor can provoke a herpes in the airways, even if the cause of this syndrome is a respiratory infection such as tuberculosis.
  • Pitos and neumonías rehearsal because he has an obstruction of the many areas.

Sufrir a neumonia tras otra is a signal of alarm

  • Thoracic pain and failure to inspire air by affecting the pleura and the tumors caused by the tumor.
  • Failed to drag by compression of the esophagus. If it contains any of the internal nerves also can have the aphonia for paralysis of the vocal cords, difficulty in breathing also for paralysis of the diaphragm, caida of the pelvis, disability of a braz …

If you need to breathe, consult your doctor

  • Hinchazón de la cara. When the tumor affects the large internal veins, it can be difficult for the cerebral cortex to return to the cervix properly and produce the cervix.
  • If the cancer is more developed you can have loss of appetite and weight, as well as fever.


Nunca es tarde para dejarlo. The risk of padding pulmonary cancer decreases when you have the habit: 10 years after smoking, the ex-smokers reduced the risk to the city.

Smoke saves the padeder risk inferredades respiratorias, as for example the pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis and neonemia.

Are you suffering from a tumor? Smoking during treatment reduces its effectiveness and empire the collateral effects. While abandoning the habit of reducing a holiday.