Puerto Rico vacates only 65 years of age in the next four weeks

The Puerto Rican sanitation authorities announced this month during which only four weeks will be vacated against the covid-19 to the mayors of 65 years.

For this reason, the evacuation process that followed, among other things, first-line sanitary personnel, has been suspended since those mayors were evacuated.

There was an announcement in a communication from the secretary of the Puerto Rican Health Department, Carlos Mellado, who announced that the company would order these lunches.

“We guarantee that the vacancies will actually have to agree with the current phase. Our adult adults are our priority. They represent the most vulnerable people and it is our duty to guarantee the vacancy to avoid contagions that can prevent “, dijo en un communicado.

“We will not tolerate that anyone brieque or wait for the phase that the correspondence. Ante the cambios that have the new administrative order follow vigilantes for the director is not violating any concept”, said Mellado.

The secretariat adelanto that this month is established with an administrative order that orders significant changes in the evacuation process.

Esta orden determina que las proximas cuatro semanas solo y exclusivande sean vacunados los adultos majores de 65 años o más en todos centers in la isla, excluding the centers identified for the education system.

The order also clarifies that the turn of the first-line sanitary staff is newly initiated when it concludes with the major adults.

On the other hand, it was reported that a group of health inspectors had been deployed at the evacuation centers to validate the pulcritud and the order of the established processes since an initiative.
The title of Salud hizo un llamado a la ciudadanía in general a que respect and hope his turn to vacunarse, de acuerdo a la actual phase.

Formerly equalize, in which all vacancies should be addressed and directed to the Department of Health, which is the Agency that manages public health services.

In addition, the Department of Health has received relevant information from some of the employees of the European Commission of Elections (CEE).
In statements to Efe, evidence from Salud indicates that a lawsuit was filed that was never authorized and was immediately withheld.

Agree with official dates that are Monday, Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been 1,836 deaths in the island and 87,440 positive cases have been confirmed.

Puerto Rico has a population of 3.2 million.
