Puebla y Tigres interkambiese burlas en redes sociales

Mexico City /

Todavía no arrancaba el cotejo entre Puebla y Tigers, corresponding to the Jornada 10 del torneo Guard1anes 2021 of the MX League, and in social networks and have a spicy burlesque exchange for both teams.

Primero Tigers appeared to publish a photo of Cuauhtémoc Stadium invaded by the regional affiliation; “Let’s get out of this stadium!“, I write and Puebla no tardó and answer.

La Franja do not save anything and post a photo of a bully Ricardo Ferretti being escorted by the visiting car to the visiting bank; “El Nuevo Fierrari en el Cuauhtémoc. Creo que no le gustó “, se lee en el tuit. El Tuca can not be deployed with normalcy debit to a problem within the framework required surgical intervention.

Not compliant with this, also trollearon a André-Pierre Gignac for that occasion on the que Marco Ante Veracruz when the escalators conduct a protest against the perpetrators.
