PSA: You should be more of an evil killer in Monster Hunter Rise

MH Styg© Capcom

Monster Hunter Rise was out for a while, and a lot of people play it. While there are a few solo hunters who play quietly through the ‘story’ and enjoy a jolly time, for many it’s about the online hub and hunting in groups of four. Of course, you can not always play with friends, so rely on a good old-fashioned etiquette when working with random players. It always ends well …

Apparently, a common occurrence in online play is that someone, at the moment a monster is weakened, strikes a trap and catches the animal. It seems logical as it is quick and easy, but technically it should be the host’s decision.

Well, online games are what they are, especially on Nintendo hardware with non-existent voice chat, and communication breaks down. Still, it’s worth checking out this PSA from HR magician Gaijin Hunter; this author did not realize in the end that some parts are only dead.
