PS5 Repossession: Live Twitter Tracker Updates – When and Where to Buy PS5

Our PS5 reload Twitter tracker offers live updates so you know when and where to buy the new Sony console. You can follow Matt Swider, who sends out alerts from reputable retailers including Best Buy, Walmart, Target, Antonline and Amazon. Do not direct from Twitter users. We actually know the next date and time for PS5 – there are no major retailers selling it this weekend at an even reasonable price. Here’s how to get an alert for when we can disclose the information.

To get prior notice, follows Matt Swider as he follows the PS5 console:

Here’s an example of what our PS5 warning for Walmart will look like (March 18 PS5 expiration date illustrated). Click through to track the account.

PS5 repair matte swider

(Image Credit: Future)

PS5 stock looks bad for April
