PS5 owner console is destroyed by own children

One unfortunate PS5 user had their PS5 destroyed by their own children in a hilarious but rather deadly way.

We have all heard horror stories of children sowing havoc on beloved household objects.

Unfortunately, this can include costly family heirlooms or important work documents.

However, there is something more tragic when it involves a brand new next-generation PS5.

This is the unfortunate situation for one PS5 user who completely redesigned the console after their kids got it right.

PS5 Vandalized By Children

Because it’s currently difficult to get a next-generation console, it means you’ll want to get it right if you get your hands on one.

However, one PS5 user had a lot of trouble after an unexpected artistic inspiration hit their kids.

Unfortunately, the canvas chosen was a very expensive $ 500 + one, in the form of the Playstation 5.

If you are struggling to get hold of a PS5 yourself, we would recommend that you keep an eye on these retailers for an insignificant stock of PS5s.

In a tragic turn, one user returned home to discover that their PS5 had been vandalized. The offenders? Why their own offspring of course.

The PS5 owner posted in a Facebook Playstation group to warn others about the rather impulsive nature of little ones.

Look at the damage done to the poor console just below:

PS5 is vandalized
Source: Twitter

As you can see in the photo, the culprits even recorded a tribute to the PS5 in their vandalism.

You can notice the familiar shapes of the buttons on the PS5 controller, so they kept them thematic …

You can also check out the full Twitter post here, to see what other users have done about the PS5 vandalism.

PS5 stock availability

Unfortunately, next-generation consoles are currently like gold dust. PS5 shares are definitely a problem, but it’s never to do with a ruined one.

Maybe the owner could try to sell it as a ‘PS5 exclusive console’, or if the kids grow up as famous artists, it will become a precious heirloom …

If you’re watching a new PS5, you can watch your kids as soon as you get one.

Playstation 5

Furthermore, if you want to find a PS5 for yourself, you can consult our handy inventory trackers to keep track of which retailers currently have PS5s.

For US stock, check out our US PS5 stock tracker. If you’re in the UK, you can also check out our UK PS5 stock tracking.

This is definitely a good time to think about incorporating a next-generation console. Ghosts of Tsushima 2 may have already been confirmed.

Furthermore, you have the next generation upgrade of GTA 5 to look forward to as well. A recent GTA leak has also suggested that a major upgrade is coming for PS5 users as well.

Therefore, there is a lot to look forward to for PS5 users, provided you can find one. Congratulations on your search.
