“Provocan y luego se quejan”: resurgieron declarations by Enrique Guzmán minimizing the accusation against women

The statements of Enrique Guzmán that were classified as machistas (Video: Univision)

Through the recent revelation of Frida Sofia donde related that he was abused by his abuser, the singer Enrique Guzmán, from childhood, the theme has escalated and caused indignation between the public, colloquializing the case in the social media markets.

And it is that the young man of 29 years the account of the periodist Gustavo Adolfo Infante that the singer of Payasito “La manoseaba” and the action creates that a situation that is normal between abuelo and nieta; In the meantime, Alejandra Guzmán’s henchman said he would like to call it “asqueroso”.

“I’m always very abusive, I can punch because I have so much to say. A very strong man, a very abusive man (…) loves me, always loves me. Me hizo cosas feas ”, confession visibly affected the también cantante.

Ya in the past, Frida expressed herself negatively about her abuelo;  had you heard that he was sincere about what he was living in his barn (Photo: Curtoscuro / Telemundo-Televisa Capture)
Ya in the past, Frida expressed herself negatively about her abuelo; had you heard that he was sincere about what he was living in his barn (Photo: Curtoscuro / Telemundo-Televisa Capture)

“Me manoseó desde los cinco (…) Lo odio y más por comé fue, pasade de lanza, ahorita me quedo así de ‘ándale cabrón, ¿y si el mundo supiera?’ Is there a delict (…) Do you think it’s the most embarrassing of all? When you are chiquita y te dicen que esto es lo que un abuelito le hace a su nieta que la quiere, ‘n esa edad no tienes ni Iddi ”

Read about Frida’s crude revelation in the program The first mano, the users of the social networks condense on the song, we will defend it, but the theme will be fulfilled Popular topic desatando también que resurgieran viejos materiales.

And there is a video of an ancient program of Verónica Castro’s night where you can see Enrique wakes up in a hurry to shake one of Veronica’s legs, if there is another issue in the same issue where you can listen to bromear about the physical attributes of his wife.

Enrique Guzmán and Verónica Castro in “Mala noche no”, can be seen as the pink song with the resemblance of a conductor (Video: YouTube / Retrobetamx

Now, resurgence in social speeches the fragment of an interview where Enrique appears to have given his opinion on the accusations against the women. Debating his post, many user comments on Twitter have been decalified and it is believed that he “canceled”.

“A poquito holds the culpa ellas, ¿no?, Because he, because his coquettes, because he always stands… with the provocative shot and the lie is quejan”, if the eye deceives the singer in an interview of what is known as fecha y lugar, but is presumed recent and fue transmitted by Univisión.

“I suppose the women will be coquettish to all their lives and that no one can lie that ‘me violin’, to what provokes?”, Added the also comedian actor.

Enrique Guzmán introduced himself
Enrique Guzmán presents in “Ventaneando” to respond to the accusations of his niece Frida Sofía (TW: @VentaneandoUno)

“I believe that I have respect, if I have respect and ellas generan ese respeto, no es gratis tienes que ganartelo”, Fueron las palabras que le valieron diverses comentarios in la red social, donde el comun denominador fue que dichas declarations fueron califadas com machistas.

“It’s bad, it’s a pregúntale to your abuelo, tu abuela y te van a decir lo mismo, es gente de otro tiempo, los educaron en otro tiempo, quuando la gente no salía semidesnuda o bailaban el rico rico, en la calle, no sé si sea un violador, pero entiendo que piense así ”,“Golpeaba y abusaba de la senale Pinal, no dudo que le haya hecho lo mismo a su propia hija, no por nada los behaviors, alcoholismo y drugs while always stealing envelops, this time he escapes …

‘Oh no, there is a lot of people who think that a scout, a girl or a bikini is an invitation to be purple … what a horror. ‘It’s a question that he’s hitting Silvia Pinal because he’s thankful and when the questioner asks if he’s hated that he’s, but he’s not hated the golfer antes …. An ash is that type ‘ ”He followed up on the topic.


“Le voy a romper el hocico”: Enrique Guzmán amenazó a Gustavo Adolfo Infante tras notices of sexual abuse
“En mi vida le he tocado un pelo”: entre lágrimas, Enrique Guzmán respondió in “Ventaneando” a Frida Sofía
From “abuelo eres lo máximo” to “me manoseó desde los cinco”: así cambio the relationship between Frida Sofía and Enrique Guzmán
