Protests in Peru: a riot between police and rural workers from other protesters killed

Training and repression in Virú, 500 kilometers north of Lima, following the adoption of a new Labor Agricultural Regime (AFP)
Training and repression in Virú, 500 kilometers north of Lima, following the adoption of a new Labor Agricultural Regime (AFP)

At least of people, between them a minor of edad, murieron this Wednesday in Peru in the brand of the new protests of workers of the agro-industrial sector, are meeting with the new agricultural regime approved in the run-up to the Congress, which will increase the number of mortal victims of this conflict.

The minor failed ten years ago and died presumably by one fuego army projectile in circumstances that still exist, during the new blockades in the Panamericana Carretera to the altar of Viru, in the northern region of Lambayeque, according to information from the hospital the congressman Lenin Bazán. Numerous activists have denounced the violation of police repression.

A second deadly victim was reported later by the People’s Defender and identified by local media as Reynaldo Reyes Ulloa, 27 years old, which apparently resulted in the protest and mourning when he was transferred to a health center.

La Defensoría eis al Interiorio del Interior ya la Policía Nacional “explanations al pais sobre lo ocurrido, en el más breve plazo”.

Arribo of anti-dumping agents in Villacuri (Reuters)
Arribo of anti-dumping agents in Villacuri (Reuters)

Bazán, Wetgewer del Frente Ampio de izquierdas y uno de los parliamentarias máximos a las las laboras de los workers, ensures that the deaths result in the “repression” of the National Police in order to block the Panamericana Carretera, head of transport from Peru. “¡Basta! Minister of the Interior, the invocation newly took action in order to withdraw the Police and take over the violent representation. Goodbye! ”, Escribió Bazán in social speeches.

For its part, The National Coordinator of Human Rights (CNDDHH) states that “it has been shown to produce deadly deaths and protests during the intervention of the Police, and that since 2003, it has killed more than 160 people and social protests in Peru.


This last death will be summed up in the two products from the beginning of this crisis, when the blocs will start to demand better working conditions.

Esos bloqueos geen cesaron hasta que the Congregation derogated the former agricultural labor regime, considered “exploitation” on the part of workers, and repeated every week when the parliament extended the approval of the new agrarian.

(Europa Press)
(Europa Press)

The new agricultural regime has not been approved until this March, when its last days before entering early March, el Congreso aprobó dar a bonus to agricultural workers equivalent to 30% of the minimum wage, which in Peru is sold at 930 sole (one 257 dollars).

It is expected that agricultural workers will pass from 38.75 to 50 soles (from 10.71 to 13.81 dollars) per day, per Workers in the northern part of Peru are in agreement with the fact that it is located on the other side of the hill and, therefore, does not cover the rest of the labor benefits as the gratuity (extra pay).

For this reason, the journals retomaron the protest of these markets and repeat the previous week-long meetings with the Police, where they antidisturbant agents launch lacrimogenic gases and the responders respond with powders and other current objects.


The situation is completely different in the Ica region, where a protest has taken place against the Farmers’ opposition to the agricultural sector and these markets are being maintained without public order interactions.

Prohibition of probes, The employers of the agro-industrial sector have also demonstrated their support for the new law, although we consider that the remuneration should be the product of a collective bargaining and no closure of the Congress. This is the number of attempts to avoid syndication in the last decades, which has generated protests without clear interlocutors.

Die landbousektor van die perua multiplied its increments in the last years by one hundred million to about 6,000 million annual dollars graceful to international demand products such as arandanos, asparagus or alcachofas, as well as the Generous fiscal extensions that are temporary and 20 years old.

However, the workers of the large companies dedicated to the export of these products know that their working conditions and conditions have not increased at the same level during this period.

Bloqueo on the Panamericana road in Ica, al sur de Lima (AFP)
Bloqueo on the Panamericana road in Ica, al sur de Lima (AFP)

In addition to the bankruptcies confirmed recently, the protests also took decades of detainees and arrests of discharges carried out presumably by the Police.

(With EFE information)


The Congress of Peru approves a new agricultural agreement in the midst of the serious crisis in the sector
