Protestan prevailed over death by George Floyd

Dozens of people are meeting on Saturday in front of the Minnesota governor’s office to demand that the laws be enforced by their actions, ahead of a court hearing against a Minneapolis president over the death of George Floyd’s afroestadounidense.

Many of the approximately 150 people who are being held in Minnesota are relatives of others who murmur during police incidents. Protests correspond to the organization and ciudades and todo el país previo al juicio a Derek Chauvin.

Floyd murmured on May 25 that Chauvin, who is white, pressed his rod against Floyd’s fountain, and this summer he had been kicked out and repeated that he could not breathe. The time was recorded in a video of a corporate tax chamber held by the tax authorities that Chavin maintained his position for a few minutes, including when he was fired by Floyd — who was pronounced dead at a hospital.

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Chauvin enfrenta cargos por assesato en segundo grado y homicidio culposo. The Monday initiates the selection of the jury for its trial.

The Minnesota Saturday Protest was organized by Families Supporting Families Against Police Violence, a coalition of families that lost their desires in confrontations with the police. Earlier this year, Floyd’s deaths were reported in the wake of police raids and other police incidents, the Star Tribune reported.
