Prospecto Yiddi Cappe Firm Contracted Highest Deal by Miami Marlins

El prospecto campo corto Yiddi Cappe of Cuban nationality, signed the highest contract in the history of the Marlins of Miami in July-2, for a sum of US $ 3.5 million.

The firm was established in the presence of the senor Fernando Seguignol International director of the Marlins of Miami, its creator and manager Wellington Herrera of the Herrera Family Academy, in addition to relatives of the prospect.

Cappe born on September 18, 2001 in La Habana Cuba. The athlete expresses that he confesses in his dotes and makes sure that he has completed a stage and that he has always been trained to play professional baseball for the duration of his work and now he is playing in the Grand Leagues.

In the name of Herreras Family, we would like to thank one of the collaborators who took part in this great event, the Wellington Herrera Manager de Cappe’s flags.

In the name of Herreras Family, we would like to thank one of the collaborators who took part in this great event, the Wellington Herrera Manager de Cappe’s flags.

“The allegory invaded by the good work done by God” added the preparer.

Thanks to the manner of the scout Domingo Ortega “who is trusted and never disliked, always created in the work and dedication of the high professional and who was one of the constructors of the prospect”.
