Proposed papers documented with more than 5 years in EU

Washington, United States.

The Republican Representative of Florida (EEUU) María Elvira Salazar defend this moon in Miamiand its Dignity Plan, a migration reform proposal that, being approved, would allow itwith undocumented residents for more than 5 years ago in the country work legally and, passages 10 yearss, optar a la ciudadanía.

“It’s not a special treat. The only thing we trust is dignity to follow working “, dijo Salazar in a press release at the most detailed points of the project presented last week in the Chamber of Representatives by a group of republicans.

The Daria project legal status of the undocumented that live in the country, while rejecting it security on the fronta, fija a reform of the system of asylum and otorga “permanent protection” ‘n los que se conoce como “dreamers” or “sleepers”, es decir, más de 2 million young people that fueron traidos to this country when eran menores by his fathers.

“Queremos secure the front with all the available technology (…) and reform the asylum requirements so that only those who are in need of a job are granted political asylum “, dijo la congristaista cubano-estadounidense de origen cubano.

As for the Migration Reform Program within the Plan of Dignity, it exemplifies all the people without papers that “hayan lived in this country for more than five years old, tengan hijos estadounidenses, hayan pagado sus taxes y nee hayan cometido no crime “, aggregate the periodical antigua of 59 years.

Pasados ​​diez años, los immigrant quieran obtener la ciudadanía tendrían el camino allanado para la que Salazar denominó “camino de la reasoning “, esto es: “acogerse a él, correct the mistakes of the pass, pagar una multa y ponerse en fila”.

“But I mean so much, ten dignity “, congratulations.

Vea: EEUU Congress denounces “terrible conditions” of migrant children

Loading in the press row against the democrats, that “he presented a migratory reform -afirmó- que saben that no one will be able to convert in ley and that he will not secure the votes within his party” to pay adelante.

“We love hearts fake promises and we want 11 million undocumented Germans to be treated to a word called ‘dignity ‘”, señaló.

The Republican Congress represents the Capitol on condition of Miami-Dade, qwith a 2.8 million inhabitants is the most populous of Florida and the most affected by the pandemic in the state. EFE
