Prognostic barbaric economic growth

It is even more obvious that economic gurus around the world, who provoke intermediate contagions in the Dominican Republic, are looking for an artificial solution to a complex and costly problem such as the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.

Deciding that the Dominican economy will grow by 4.8% this year, as the World Bank affirms in a global perspective study, is a barbaric prognosis that only the poor can be taken care of if they are funded by the sector que van a determinar ese crecimiento.

As a result, the World Bank’s projection is that the crime rate for the Caribbean, which stands at 4.5%, is “impulsed by a partial recovery of tourism”.

Sonarar with a recovery of tourism in short or the median plaza, both in Dominican Republic as in any other destination of the world, promise to end in a pesadilla and all the resources that are destined for this proposal, are standing by a barrel without fund.

When did the Dominican Republic go on holiday to the United States and Europe each year? Will there be sales in 2020 in Paris, Madrid, El Cairo, Istanbul, Miami, Las Vegas or Los Angeles?

As the Dominicans do not go to the top of the most touristy destinations in the world, they are already attracting the retreats or news that come from countries around Europe, Asia and North America.

I am more optimistic that the World Bank’s technicians will be the Governor of the Central Bank, Héctor Valdez, who attended the Central Conference of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), the 20th of December, which saw the recovery of 20 Dominican economists.

According to the view, in the economic recovery projections there is an excess of optimism that seeks to generate confidence, but the real economy inversions (not the mafia money launderers and corruption) have no decision on the effects of a “convincing” narrative plagued by giants, sin with the miraculous power in reality.

How many Dominican business owners can afford to spend 200 million pounds to build a factory – except for medical expenses – and are part of this crime between 4.8 and 6 per cent forecast for this year? See who intends and approves the good bank accounts!

The pandemic is not a game

The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic in the country and the world are devastating devastation in health, education, employment, incomes, production, sales, services and the mobility of people.

There is a direct impact on the quality of life of the people and a brutal blow to the productive activities of the companies and the resources of the government to make a front in this challenge and the general march of the public administration.

With 87.5 million people infected all over the world, of which around two million have gone bankrupt, the health of all human beings is affected by a global warming that the rhythm of all deaths has changed.

Only in the country, according to figures published by the Directorate of Health’s Epidemiology Directorate, have registered more than 177,000 contagious, of which he killed more than 2,400 and the Intensive Care Units are occupied by 58 per cent.

The numbers, by supuesto, can not reflect the reality of the level of infestation that suffers the country because it has a subregister of asymptomatic infections that can not be lower than that and its involuntary vectors that propagate the virus in its family, social circles .

Treat the profundity of the day that the Covid-19 is in the country is pure nonsense, for our sake because it is not the culprit of this previous government, although it is the responsibility of adopting the most public policies to dominate. the contagios and luego sacudir to the working people in order to recover the production, dynamize the internal trade and the export, in order that the truck of the crime can be restored.

Order of priorities

There is no such thing as an economist expert or an epidemiologist consumed to know that here and now the real priority, no matter if it is said to the “public”, it frees up the contagion, heals the infected and lies to pawn in recovery conditions the economy, starting with its mining, its agropecuaria, infrastructure infrastructure and finally, when haya conditions in the world, want to attract tourists.

With the global experience of more than one year after the Covid-19 strikes, it was learned that in order to relax the contagion requires the harmonic combination of a responsible ownership of the authority with an enthusiastic cooperation of the people.

If there is no authority from the masters – stay tuned for help, there are no promises – that the sufficient remedies to detect in time the median infected patients will be clear to have sufficient diagnostic tests, clinical tests, effective treatment take the care that you have and adopt the preventive means to avoid the contagion.

The more dominant authorities at this time are dealing with infections in public hospitals, the more expensive the prevention and diagnostic tests that can determine where the viruses are active.

The capital and provinces of Santiago, Puerto Plata and La Altagracia – all very important tourist poles – are the most active coronavirus foci at the moment.

It is in them that hay make massive and sectoral diagnostic tests to know the magnitude of the infestation and adopt the preventive sanitation measures before all the countries are called by an incontrovertible nude that the authorities and the sanitation system can not conjure.

Economic effects

One of the most expensive golf courses, after the health, is the employment loss in tourism, the Mipymes and manufacturing in general.

The government of the government maintains social assistance programs for the most vulnerable population and workers suspended for employment, it is vital for that there are no sectoral disasters. It explains that supermarkets and markets will always be full, and the economy will be better off by 2020.

But the dominant economy has a harmonious tan: manufacturing, mining, tourism, agro-export, franc zones, remakes, and has the capacity to resist the first effects of the pandemic crisis.

A correct line now series -and productive matter- volcs much more resources to the agropecuaria, intensify the mining exploration, create a modern fishing fleet, manage agri-food export negotiations to all the islands of the Caribbean to the extent that the program living construction mass in all of the country.

This type of action induces the demand for construction materials, the work force in all countries and the industry and internal trade.

If it is a country that can recover tourism in the years to come, it needs a mago that exists, preferably in the Grand Canyon of Colorado or Las Vegas.
