According to the teacher’s medicines, his situation was delicate, but he did not have any decision and he was working until his last day.
The story of Alejandro Navarro, a professor at the United States, has discussed social speeches just in case he continues to work hard, taking exams to include notes for his students.
When the teacher says that a serious series of emergencies empowers his computer to be able to advance in the examination of exams of his alumni from the medical center, following account in his Facebook profile Sandra Vanegas, hija del professional.
She tells that the devotion of her father made his work, including during the last hours of life, by publishing a photo to pay tribute to his entourage.
Vanegas posted a photo of himself being taken to the executive’s post on a hospital bed with the portable computer about his relationship, writing: of the progress of his alumni ”.
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The woman, born in West Covina (city of Los Angeles), said the doctors advised the Navarro that his courage was detained and that he would decide what to do in this case: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, intubation or taking care
“Los doctores iban y venían para verl. The hicieron varios exams. He contests all his questions and continues to increase ratings, ”Vanegas said.

In addition to his grave state of health, the teacher sent the notes to his alumni. Facebook profile photo Sandra Vanegas
She recorded that the last time he was alive, previewed at the time of the photo in the hospital, was the 4th of December, I was occupied with his work in his deterrent area.
“The last time he passed the hours he was in his house working. Ojalá hubiera locked up his portable and disgruntled time with him ”, indicated.
Vanegas is the mother of two homes and lives in Del Rio, located in the state of Texas. However, his ancestor is a teacher and worker in the public school San Felipe Del Rio CISD. Ambos tuvieron that adapt to give classes in this context of pandemic.
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In this way, the loyal work of the professors is invited and invites the owner to normalize the work after hours, then, according to his words, “are replaceable in the work. No honor can be made memorable. ‘
“The professors dedicate so many extra hours, hours that many do not know and count. Including a pandemic, including a health crisis, professors are preoccupied with completing their functions. If you are cased with one, you can establish limits. If you are the hija / hijo of one, do not say that I work for a time that is at home. Sé amable con tus maestros ”, concluded Vanegas in his publication.
The publication has more than 78,000 rooms and 24,000 ‘I like it’.

The teacher’s teacher ensures that at the moment he or she has the most difficulty in completing his / her profession. Facebook profile photo Sandra Vanegas