The violinists of this quadrant are now from the multidisciplinary payment of RD $ 1,000 up to a maximum of RD $ 100,000, established by the General Procuration of the Republic, which is valued by the Salvation Army. 42- 01.
The many depend on the type of violation that commences a person in particular or the duo of a commercial establishment that allows an agglomeration of mayoral persons to what is available.
Now the peatones that violen the toque de queda pay a fine of RD $ 1,000; the motorcyclists RD $ 2,000; the leader of a vehicle RD $ 5,000 and the person who is surprised in a center or diversion space pays RD $ 2,000.
Just as bars, restaurants or any other entertainment space, as well as a private party that violates the media, will be sanctioned with a fine of RD $ 100,000.
The owner or person in charge of a bus transporting people and violating the medium will be fined RD $ 50,000; the leader of a cargo vehicle with RD $ 30,000 and the duo of a gallery with RD $ 100,000.
The general instruction issued by the Public Prosecutor Miriam Germán Brito, indicates that when the accumulation of defects exceeded the RD $ 100,000, in any case the amount may not be lower than this amount. The disposition does not specify the amount that you have to pay a person to transmit without mascara, but specifies that this disposition violates the payment of a payment.
Under the instruction of the Public Prosecutor German Brito, the National Police agents will be present at the public office, without delay and without delay, with persons arrested for violating the law and restrictive media in the agglomerations of more of diez persons in public and private spaces of common use, tax in the decree 7-21 of 8 of this month or any other disposition issued by the Executive.
The general instructor
It is directed to tax and court prosecutors, with a copy to the Director General of Public Prosecutions.
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