Procuraduria cites the example of Kimberly Taveras this week

Santo Domingo, RD.

The Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (PGR) informs that the investigations into the case of Kimberly Taveras, Minister of Youth, will continue this week with a citation to his ex-wife.

In a press release signaling a corruption investigation involving the Minister of Health, Donald Guerrero Ortiz and the Deputy Minister of the Reserve Bank, Simón Lizardo Mézquita, the organ indicated by the Board of Prosecution of the Prosecution Administrative (Pepca), will present this week to Carlos Ventura, taveras.

The day and the hour in which the Kimberly deer will be interviewed are discussed.

“For this week, the Directorate of Persecution and the Pepca has been programmed to interrogate various functionaries of the Chamber of Deputies. También sera-ondervraging Juan Carlos Ventura, investigated in the case of corruption against his ex-girlfriend Kimberly Taveras Duarte, exministra de la Juventud ”, said the PGR in a press release.

Last December, he received a license to investigate his patrimony, Kimberly Taveras Duarte said he was charged with cargo as Minister of Youth.

The ex-minister has stated that he will demonstrate the country in the form in which he acquired all his property, in his short term, raising the costs to RD $ 74 million.
