Proceed to the construction of Trump’s wall to pass the Order of Biden

Tucson – The chair of the executive order of the firm is this Wednesday by the President, Joe Biden, which ordered the suspension of the construction of the front wall, the continuous construction work of these juveniles, denounce defenders of the medium.

“The construction itself, todavia has not stopped, this morning we saw trucks transporting material, being a team carrying equipment to this region”, said Efe Tricia Cortez, executive director of the Center for International Studies in Rio Grande in Texas.

Cortez, who also co-founded the Coalition “Not Another Foot” – No Other Thick (of Wall) -, hizo a llamado for the Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection (CBP) to sign the Order of Biden and immediately detain mediated the construction of the wall. Agreed with the groups defending the media environment, it has been reported that Biden will serve as president of the United States, construction teams in the lower segment of the Guadalupe Canon, on the Arizona front with Mexico.

Hours after taking the cargo position, the Democrat signed an executive order over the construction of President Donald Trump’s front wall.

The document indicates that the construction should be “as soon as possible”, although there is a maximum number of seats from the company of the executive order to complete with the establishment.

The proclamation provides for an intermediate break in the construction projects of the wall to allow a revision of the legality of the methods used for the financing and contracting used to build the wall and to evaluate the “administrative and contractual consequences”.

“We are talking about the many demands that are being made on this site, we hope that CBP will follow President Biden’s orders and that they will support the construction,” said the ecologist.

Its coalition is preparing for a series of events this week at the front of the front for the new administration to meet with its promise to build the wall, confiscate properties and otherwise cancel the contracts with the builders.

The construction of the front wall with Mexico was converted into a symbol of President Trump’s administration and during his presidency 450 miles (720 kilometers) of frontal barrier were built, many of which were to be replaced by existing ones.

“The front wall is never a solution to the problem of national security or immigration, it always has a symbol for white supremacist groups. Our work will be difficult ”, she concluded.
