Pro-Trump rally is not coming out at the NJ Statehouse. “More skateboarders than protesters.”

Trenton remained silent Sunday, the day when officials worried the capital would be flooded with pro-Trump protesters following the siege of the U.S. Capitol.

‘We all sigh together a sigh of relief. “We have noticed that there are more skateboarders than protesters,” Trenton Mayor Reed Gusciora told a crowd of reporters.

Only a handful of protesters marched in front of the Statehouse in State Street early Sunday afternoon, where police and media gathered in streets that were closed because officials were expecting a large rally. They each left quickly when they saw there was no substantial protest.

Following the January 6 uprising at the Capitol, the FBI warned that attacks were planned in all 50 capitals. Police said all week that no specific threats exist, but that they still need to stay ready.

At 9:45 a.m., a lone protester held a “Stop the Steal” sign in front of the attachment and was gone 15 minutes later. Around 11:45 a.m., three men walked to the front of the Statehouse and left when they realized there was no major protest taking place.

“It’s a kind of bust,” one of the men, wearing a pro-law enforcement shirt, told a reporter when asked if they were in Trenton for an event today. They did not want to talk to reporters otherwise.

Around 1 p.m., a man who would not name his name but said he was traveling from Toms River walked down North Willow Street toward the Statehouse with a sign that read: “Supreme Courts, Betray America . “

“I stand up for what I believe,” he said, noting that he believes the 2020 election was stolen, despite federal and government officials finding no evidence to prove there was any fraud in any state. not.

He said he was disappointed with the lack of turnout. “If you do not stand up for what you believe, they will walk over you.”

While talking to reporters, his sign blows away in a gust of wind and breaks apart. He left it after it was located in a small tree nearby.

New Jersey police have nothing to report, an agency spokesman said at 1 p.m.

Across the country, state capitals are on the move and they are heavily patrolled, but the protests have remained small or have been completely dormant.

Aside from the heavy police presence, Trenton’s downtown has remained quiet. More than 100 National Guard troops are ready, with dozens of state troops and local police monitoring the Statehouse and surrounding streets.

Most stores were closed Sunday, and some businesses put up their windows.

Gusciora said the city would stay informed on Wednesday, the day of the inauguration. He appealed to anyone considering coming to the capital to ‘stay home and watch the inauguration on TV’.

“If they have protests, they should write their congressmen,” he said. ‘The shame in all this is that there is nothing to protest. Joe Biden won. It was the most investigative election in history, and a disgrace to those who want to reverse the election because they did not win. ”

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Sophie Nieto-Munoz can be reached at [email protected]. Follow her at @snietomunoz.

Kevin Shea can be reached at [email protected].
