Private physicians, concerned about when to receive the vaccine

(KHN) – El Dr. Andrew Carroll, a cabaret doctor in Chandler, Arizona, is helping his patients evacuate against covid-19. That’s more than US $ 4,000 for an eBay ultra-low temperature heater needed to charge Pfizer.

But there is no guarantee that tener will have the opportunity to do so, since health workers have not yet been evacuated to private medical consultants.

“I’m very happy,” said Carroll.

Only medical practitioners have problems in evacuating patients, but many community physicians and medical staff have no hospital staff or mixed health outcomes. Some have received their vacancies, but there are still hopefuls, even health workers who are paying direct attention to patients in the maximum priority group of the Centers for Control and Prevention of EE.

Many of these doctors say that they do not know when or where they will receive a dose for their patients, which will soon be converted into a mayor’s problem while the states intend to evacuate more people.

“The reason why it is so important is because patients are confined to their medicines when they are evacuated,” said Carroll, who was involved in the social reasons why he did not publish any plans to incorporate them. primary care attenuation medications.

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Bus doctors can obtain vacancies against the covid for their patients

In addition, the doctors of the state could evacuate miles of patients to the day, day, and the doctor would attract some of the other patients if they had a large hospital, a recent holiday to another central hospital.

At the pre-occupation surge, at the national level, the launch of the vaccine has yielded one more month of the desperate, much to the detriment of the initial meta to administer 20 million doses before the new year.

Pero la Dra. Jen Brull, a family practitioner in Plainville, Kansas, said that his rural area had a good progress in the first phase of evacuation, and recognizes the strained working conditions that precede the pandemic.

This year, in addition to the doses available, the local hospital, the Department of Health and medical consultants will coordinate an enrollment list for medical workers who require the vaccine. Entones, when his condition, with a population of 5,000 inhabitants, received his first 70 doses, were listed to start. Other 80 doses will be read once a week.

“We can evacuate all those people who are related to the health that we are experiencing in the area,” Brull said recently.

Breaks in the evacuation

But this is not the case in all parties.

El dr. Jason Goldman, un médico de familia in Coral Gables, Florida, is a local hospital hosted by the mayor during the holidays and supervised by the distribution.

In the past weeks, without embarrassment, there are variants of the members of his first-line staff “do not have access to the window”.

In addition, “a large amount of patients” are being called to their Florida counselor, releasing distribution orders to include any 65-year-old mayor, Dijo Goldman, asking who can receive the vacancy. Has solicited the officials who distribute the vacancies in the process of its practice, but has not received a reply.

The patients “are frustrated because they do not have clear answers and because I do not have clear answers for proportions”, he said. “We do not have the most remedies that we direct to the health department and some of the hospital systems.”

Another point of interest for Goldman, which will be heard in connection with the Estadounidense of Family Medicine and the panel of experts that elaborate on the CDC distribution needs, is the tremendous variation in the form in which these recommendations are implemented in the states.

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Vaccine phases against coronavirus

The CDC recommends various phases, with first-line medical attention workers and senior citizens’ senior staff in the initial group. Luego, in the second part of this phase, came the mayors of 75 years and the first line workers unrelated to the medical attention, which could include sociologists, masters and other designated design workers.

The states have the flexibility to design their own implementation program and priority groups. Florida, for example, offers more than 65 people or more. In some cases, the mayors said that the vacancies were available by order, a medium that resulted in large files.

«Decide the moment [que se deben vacunar a personas de más de 65 años], when he was not evacuated adequately to all the workers of the salute, it was the phase », said Goldman. «It has a national standard. We do not have paas. We need to get a surveillance shot ».

The Jews, the Hospital Association of Hospitals, have received a card from the Secretariat of Health and Human Services (HHS, by its English flags), Alex Azar. The hospitals, together with the health departments and the large cadas of pharmacies, are carrying out the mayor’s part of the vacancies.

In addition to the additional coordination by federal officials, the map describes what is needed to increase the vacancy rate to 75% of Mayan’s living expenses: 1.8 million vacancies per day. It should be noted that there are 64 different implementation plans for states, cities and other jurisdictions, and the HHS card “evaluates whether these plans, taken in conjunction with them, are capable of recording this level of evacuation”.

How to make sure the plan of the vacancies works: the private medicines are key

The failure of the direct national strategy means that this condition is essentially only, and the failure of the phrase is affected by the available resources and the Experience of local employees. The Mayor’s Department of State Health and Local Government has sufficient funds and there is an intense pressure on the growing pandemic.

Without embarrassment, the success of the evacuation efforts depends on the planning, preparation and clear communication.

In the borough of Lorain, Ohio, with 310,000 residents, local officials will begin practicing in October, said Mark Adams, health subcommittee. Establishment of massive influenza evacuation clinics to study what is needed for a evacuation attempt against covid-19. How many jobs? How will the traffic flow be? Can patients be kept within walking distance of subways?

“We have an idea of ​​what is good, what is bad and what we need to change,” said Adams, who has had extensive experience coordinating massive evacuation efforts at the condensed level.

Entonces, when the condo received its first 500-dose overdue on December 21, Adams was on his plan list. Called the bombers to invite all the emergency medical technicians and staff to an ad hoc evacuation center set up in a large training center with staff from their health department. On top of that, the firefighters would receive them at the gate and drive them to separate “carriages” from where they were evacuated, leaving a monitor area where the podium would last 15 minutes to ensure that no reaction occurred.

Just after Navidad, another 400 doses were taken and the clinic improvised a new one. This time, the dose of medicine for dentists, dentists and other physicians, 600 of the cues were registered in advance. (The hospital workers, staff and residents of the old asylum seekers are receiving their vacancies through their own institutions).

While advancing the next phase, the beneficiaries include major residents of 80 years, people with disabilities and school staff, the rising challenges, dijo. The condo plans a multiple enforce to notify the people when it is in turn, including the use of a web site, local media, churches, other organizations and the boca to boca.

Adams compares the preoccupations of the medical providers in all countries: he receives only doses of notice doses amount to be received and, at the current rate of 400 or 500 doses per week, passes a period before the Mayor of the residents in the county has the opportunity to receive a vacancy, including approximately 33,000 people over 65 or older.

With 10 nurses, their clinic can inject around 1,200 people a day. Many other health professionals have volunteered to administer the injections and receive more doses.

“If you have three clinics, five days a week, you can have 15,000 weeks a week,” said Adams. “With all the volunteers, it is possible to make these clinics, or 30,000 a week”.

However, for those in the ultimate public group, those 18 years of age in adulthood under subliminal medical conditions, “may be born,” said Adams.

– KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a news service with fine fines that cover health topics. It is an independent editorial program of KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
