“Private medicine is molested by the order of covid’s evacuation”

Miguel Cabrera

18:52 • 06 feb. 2021

The private consultants in Almería are molested by the order of evacuation against the coronavirus disposed of by the Administration, unless new has prioritized private medicine in front of the private.

“Have a malestar between the private medicines, because many of them have not been evacuated and have not adopted the criteria adopted, when we created all the optional iban to be very ready to be fired ”, Dice Francisco José Martínez Amo, president of the Collegio de Médicos de Almería.

The prop Martínez Amo has not been vacated yet mantiene cerrada su consulta de otorrinolaringología en la capital, although as many professionals as you would like to know when the administration of the vaccine “and the immunization response in posterior analysis” is specified.

“In the last weeks I have been called a doctor, in all major cities, who have been evacuated and who he decided to close his consultations privadas due to the situation of the pandemic in Almería ”, added.

For Martínez Amo, in addition to the lack of vacancies in all of Spain, the problem of travel is that “The Administration is looking at private medicine as a complement to the public, in addition to complementary ones, which is what it is”, dice con rotundidad.

For this reason, “it is claimed that the Administration changes its perspective in this sense”. A prospect who took the initiative to prioritize the evacuation of private medicine in front of the public and provoked that a large number of private faculties of Almería and all of Spain had been vaccinated against the disease and you can not in many cases get their consultations.

By the protocol Have to keep in mind that the protocols that precede the order of evacuation fueron consensuados entre el Ministio de Sanidad y las comunidades autonomas.

As far as I am concerned, the President of the College of Physicians assures that “af Almería the vacancy of the sanitary professionals is reasonably well developed “. “The College is in constant contact with the Delegation of Health and has a list of all the private medicines of the province to proceed with its evacuation”, Dollesteen.

Martínez points out the work of the provincial delegation of Salud, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, and the people in charge of this evacuation work, “The specialist of doctor Antonio Nievas, who is the coordinator of the holiday company, is innocent of the facilities and that it is possible that all the professionals of the private hospitals of the capital hayan are evacuated against the coronavirus ”.

Aún así, el Colegio sigue echando de minos un rapida vacunación del rest de facultativos privados, puesto que “también se encuentran en primera liné de battal”, especially in specialties that require very direct contact between the doctor and the patient, as is the case of dentists or the ‘otorrinos’.

The president of the Almerian medicine company that he personally there is nothing for being vacated, although exposing among the professionals, how can succeed in the context of citizenship, “if the decanimo when it is known remarks of politicians or persons whom he vacated are those who correspond on the basis of the same protocols that we do not consider private sanitation as first-line professionals ”.

In sum, create that with the vacation is suicidal something similar to what happened when the mascarillas were missing and the criteria for using it were repeatedly modified, and as is suicidal with other debit issues that the covid has attacked with virulence in all the fronts, attacks in front of which the administrations have not been sufficiently prepared to make fronts.

Finally, Francisco Martínez Amo wants to value the incorruptible labor of sanitation in this crisis, “What followed the call to get rid of all the difficulties with which he agreed”. “The pandemic, this rare virus, has provoked three wars and three strikes, and has changed everything, including the relationship between medicine and patient is a barbarism,” he concluded.
