Private investigator for celebrities Palladino dies after a brutal attack

SAN FRANCISCO – Jack Palladino, the flamboyant private investigator whose clients ranged from presidents and corporate whistleblowers to scandal-ridden celebrities, Hollywood powers and sometimes suspected drug dealers, died Monday at the age of 76.

Palladino suffered a devastating brain injury on Thursday after several would-be robbers tried to grab his camera outside his home in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco.

He held the camera but fell and hit his head, and the photos he took before his attackers fled were used by police to track down two suspects. They are charged with assault with a deadly weapon and other crimes.


“He would like to know,” his wife, Sandra Sutherland, told The Associated Press on Monday. She added that she told her husband as he lay unconscious in the hospital, “Guess what, Jack, they got the villains, and that was all you did.”

In a career of more than 40 years, Palladino worked for a who’s who of the famous and sometimes infamous, alternated as a hero or as a villain pronounced, depending on who his client was at the time.

This photo on August 12, 1982 shows the private investigator Jack Palladino.  Palladino, who has worked on popular affairs, ranging from the Jonestown mass suicide to celebrity and political scandals, is life-supporting after sustaining a head injury during an attempted robbery.  Palladino died Monday at 76.  (Eric Luse / San Francisco Chronicle via AP)

This photo on August 12, 1982 shows the private investigator Jack Palladino. Palladino, who has worked on popular affairs, ranging from the Jonestown mass suicide to celebrity and political scandals, is life-supporting after sustaining a head injury during an attempted robbery. Palladino died Monday at 76. (Eric Luse / San Francisco Chronicle via AP)

He was appointed by Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign in 1992 to put a lid on women who come forward to claim to have had sex with the future president.

He was also the investigator for the family of a 14-year-old boy who won a million-dollar Michael Jackson settlement after accusing the entertainer of molesting him. Jackson was never charged with a crime in that case.


Two of his main clients were former CEO of the tobacco company and whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand and former car driver John DeLorean.

In the Wigand case, Palladino unveils a deliberate campaign by Big Tobacco to overthrow the former executive for Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp. to lubricate after his allegations became known that tobacco products were pecked with chemicals to make it addictive. Palladino also starred in ‘The Insider’, the 1999 film about the case.

For DeLorean, he discovered that the former CEO of General Motors had been set up by the authorities, who accused him of trading in millions of dollars in cocaine in what they believe was a failed attempt to get his failed DeLorean Motor Co.

“Jack was a pillar of the legal and professional community. He was firmly convinced of rights, first amendment rights, especially freedom of speech and freedom of the press,” Palladino’s attorney, Mel Honowitz, said in an emotional statement announcing the death of Palladino confirmed it. .

Palladino retired largely a year ago, although he did occasionally handle a case, his wife said, adding that the two were looking forward to traveling and photography, which was a passion for both of them.

The couple married in 1977, the same year they founded Palladino & Sutherland Investigations.

While many in their business keep a low profile, they have done everything but. They publicly tackled sensational cases, while the media sometimes compared them to Nick and Nora Charles, the fictional, sensible man-and-woman detective team in the Dashiell Hammett pottery, ‘The Thin Man’.

Their clients included everyone, from the Black Panthers and Hells Angels to celebrities like Courtney Love, Robin Williams and Kevin Costner. They once recovered a cargo of stolen equipment for the Grateful Dead, and Palladino spent years investigating the massacre of the Jonestown cult in Guyana.

Some celebrity clients, such as Williams and Costner, were the targets for abuse of fans or tabloids. In the case of Love, she is linked to unfounded allegations that she played a role in the suicide of her husband, Kurt Cobain.

“I’m someone who turns you on when the house is on fire, not when there is smoke in the kitchen,” Palladino told the San Francisco Examiner in 1999. ‘You ask me to deal with the fire, to save you, to do everything there is to be done to the fire – where does it come from, where does it go, will it ever happen again? ‘

Over the years, some people, including the women who brought accusations against Clinton, have complained that Palladino sometimes threatened and harassed them, their families and friends.

Although he would admit that he was not afraid to ask difficult questions, Palladino denied that he ever crossed the line ethically or legally.

All he was ever after was the truth, he said, adding that he could get it better than most other private eyes.

“I’m not an individual who erases myself,” he told the examiner. “I am a driven, arrogant person who holds himself and everyone around him to incredibly high standards.”

John Arthur Palladino was born on July 9, 1944 in Boston as the son of a pipe fitter.

After studying English at Cornell University, he studied law at the University of California, Berkeley, and passed the State Beam Exam in 1978. But then he found that his true passion was research.


While still a student in 1971, he locked himself up in Nassau County, New York, as part of a covert operation that exposed illegal crime in the province’s prisons. In 1974, the family of newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst hired him to investigate members of the Symbionese Liberation Army, the ragtag group of young revolutionaries who kidnapped her.

“I was planning to become a lawyer,” he once told People magazine about his law. “I did not know at the time that investigations would make everything look different, indisputable and uninvolved.”
