Princess Sheikha Latifa: the secret videos of Dubai’s wife’s wife as she makes sure she’s married to her family | Gente | Maintenance

The emissary of the Emirate of Dubai commands secret video messages to his friends in which he refuses to return as a “rehén” father.

The emissary of the Emirate of Dubai, who intends to take part in the country in 2018, mandates video messages secretly to his friends in which he refuses to return as a “rehén” and insures them for life.

In one of the grabs shared with BBC Panorama, the Princess of Latifa in Maktoum says that one commands the drug addict who is in a boat and the mandarin of the wanted detainee.

Latifa has refused to mandate the secret messages, and its urgent friends to the United Nations (UNU) to intervene.

Dubai and the United Arab Emirates have previously said that the princess will find herself safe with the care of the family.

The special enviada enviada on human rights of the ONU Mary Robinson, who describes a Latifa-como “a young woman with problems” will meet with her in 2018, now said she was “horribly angry” at the princess’ family.

Robinson, former High Commissioner for Human Rights of the UN and also President of Ireland, joined the International Committee to Clarify Latifa’s current conditions and location.

“I am very concerned about Latifa. The things he changed. Think you need to investigate, ”Robinson said.

The father of Latifa, the jeque Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum, es one of the richest cities in the world, mandate of Dubai and Vice President of United Arab Emirates.

The videos of Latifa fueron grabados during various months on a phone that the princess received in secret, alrededor of a year after his capture and return to Dubai. The movies on a stage, it was the only thing that blocked the podium.

In the messages, Latifa details:

  • peleo against the soldiers that the saccharon of the boat, “pateando y luchando” and kills the braz of one of the emirate officials hasta gritó
  • tras ser sedada pardio la conscience, mientras la llevaban a un private avion, y no se desperto hasta que aterrizaron en Dubái
  • solitary confinement, without access to medical or legal assistance in a villa with windows and gates closed with barricades, and guarded by police
Tiina Jauhiainen, professor of hairdressing at Latifa, helped organize the fugue. Photo: BBC NEWS

Latifa’s version of his capture and detention was revealed in Panorama by his close friend Tiina Jauhiainen, his first mother Marcus Essabri and activist David Haugh, who are behind the campaign Free Latifa (Liberen a Latifa).

Dicen that tomaron the difficult decision to filter his messages because are concerned about the security of the princess.

Fueron ellos los consiguieron establish contact with Latifa while staying in the “villa” of Dubai, donde insure tenants with bars and police guards.

BBC Panorama, in the form of Independiente, verifies the details of Latifa’s stage retained.

Each Mohammed has built an exit city, but human rights activists ensure that there is no tolerance for dissent and that the judicial system discriminates against women.

The mandate is due to a fixed company of career riders and with assistance assisted in large events such as the Royal Ascot in the United Kingdom, where he was photographed accompanying the Queen Isabel II.

Jeque Mohammed assisted at large horse-drawn carriage events, accompanied by Queen Isabel II. Photo: PA MEDIA

Without embarrassment, each has made various criticisms of the Princess of Latifa and his mistress, Princess Haya Bint al Hussain, who moved to London in 2019 with his two children.

The escape boat

Latifa, now 35 years old, first intention to have been ten years old. But only he could contact the French emperor Herve Jaubert in 2011 when a planned plan was launched.

This is realized with the help of Jauhiainen, initially his hairdressing professor, a Brazilian martial art.

On February 24, 2018, Latifa and Jauhiainen tomaron an inflatable boat and an acoustic motor and se adentraron en aguas international, donde Jaubert esperaba en un yate con bandera estadounidense.

Without embarrassment, even though it was lost, on the altar of India, the boat was run over by commands. Jauhiainen dobbeltsteen que lanzaron grenade de humo para forzarlas a salir de su escondite en el baño debajo de la cubierta y gun retention at gunpoint.

Latifa la regresaron a Dubái y desde entonces no había sabido de Jauhiainen.

Jauhiainen and the trip of the boat were released during two weeks of detention in Dubai. The Indian governor has been pronounced dead about his role in the hechos.

Latifa makes a video in 2018 that was published after his escape in 2018. Photo: PRINCESA LATIFA

Before his intention to flee in 2018, Latifa grabbed another video that was posted on Youtube through his capture.

“If you are looking for it, it does not mean anything good. I want to say that I was killed in a very, very bad situation.”, Dijo.

Entries originate from the international preoccupation and the llamados to its release. United Arab Emirates has been holding a press conference and organizing a meeting with Robinson.

The meeting with Robinson

The High Commission of Human Rights of the UNU will travel to Dubai in December 2018 following the solicitation of his friend, Princess Haya, and alms with Latifa also present.

Robinson Declared – A BBC Panorama That She and Princess Haya habían received details about Latifa’s bipolar tower, an enfermedad que ella no tens.

It is said that Latifa was not asked about its situation because it wanted to “increase the trauma” of Latifa’s “illness”.

The Princess of Latifa photographed with Mary Robinson, who is now sure to be “engaged”. Photo: MINISTRY OF EXTERIOR OF UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

New days after the death, the Ministry of Exteriors of the United Arab Emirates public photo of Robinson with Latifa, presented as proof that the princess is safe and sound.

My sentí particularlymente engañada when the photographs are published. It was a total surprise … It was absolutely confusing, ”said Robinson.

In 2019, the tensions within the governing family of Dubai will lead to the discovery of the Supreme Court of England after one of the evacuees, the princess Haya, will live in the United Kingdom with two of his wives and solicitors. an order of protection and other compensation against the jack.

Princess Haya (to the Izquierda), accompanied by Baroness Fiona Shackleton, her abbot, in the Supreme Court in February 2020. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

Last year, the Supreme Court issued a series of investigative halls that it was decided that the Mohammed jeque would organize and organize the return of Latifa in 2002 and 2018, as well as the illegitimate sequel of the United Kingdom in 2000 of his German mayor, Princess Shamsa, who also wanted to escape.

The Supreme Court determined that the Mohammed jeke “continues to maintain a regime in which these young women are free from privacy”.

The friends of Latifa hope that the case in court in March of the year passed – having fallen in love with Jeke Mohammed, llamándole “deshonesto” and in favor of the princess Haya- ayudara in Latifa.

In the decision to filter now the messages, Jauhiainen dijo que “It took a long time” from the time the contact was lost.

I thought a lot about publishing video posts, but I would like to say: “If only I want to laugh at her and we will not give up ”.
