Prince Philip news: Duke gives Queen a wedding ring with secret engraving Royal | News

The royal couple, who were engaged for almost two years before making the official announcement, were married in Westminster Abbey just five years before she became queen. But despite the scale of the ceremony, which was the first royal wedding on television, her majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh never share knowledge.

The duke made a special inscription on the inside of the queen’s wedding ring of which only the monarch and he, as well as the engraver, know.

Royal expert Ingrid Seward discussed the mysterious engraving in her book ‘Prince Philip: Revealed’.

She wrote: ‘Philip at least did not have the cost of a wedding ring because the people of Wales provided a nip of Welsh gold from which the ring was made.

‘She never takes it off and in the ring is an inscription.

“No one knows what it says except the engraver, the queen and her husband.”

The royal couple have now been married for 73 years, a milestone marked last November in Windsor Castle during the closure of the coronavirus.

Prince Philip was admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in London on Tuesday after feeling ‘bad’ and today the Queen attended her first personal engagement of the year.

Fears for the duke’s health rose on Thursday night as it was confirmed he would spend a third night in hospital.
