Preventiva Medicina recommends “do not use anything” the double mascarilla | Sociedad | Valencian Community Edition

The President of the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene (Sempsph), Rafael Ortí, assures that the recommendation of this entity is that “there is nothing to use” the double mascara to protect against coronavirus, a practice that the calls are “have no meaning”.

In declarations to the EFE Agency, Ortí ensures that each of the mascarillas has its certification for its intended use and, for example, when using the quirurgical mascara, which functions to limit the emission of aerosols and generated gases, “poner otra encima es absurdo”.

Ortí responded to this form by asking about the use of double mascara that elected the President of the United States, Joe Biden, agreed by the virologist Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infected Diseases of EE.UU.

Explaining this, FFP2 mascara is fundamentally used in the sanitary environment and in areas where there is a risk of aerosol emissions, air transmission, but it has changed with frequency, even though it is located in a cov patients area.

“It’s surprising that it works continuously”, indicates to add that if its area is not technically sufficiently sufficient and with the same, but there are professionals who only have a surgical system to maintain that they do not have a pacemaker which brings “a reduction of guests”.

“In general, the Recommendation of Preventive Medicine is that it does not use any double mascara” and when you need to try to take the risk of overeating, do not make a good use of it, because contact with the men also facilitates transmission .

According to Ortí, also the preventive medicine service assistant of the Clinical Hospital of Valencia, “many times, behind the mascara, the people are tired of the hygiene of men and other aspects that can be”.

In its juice, in the call “has no meaning” and with a double mascara, and in the case of working in a room with low ventilation “what must be corrected is low ventilation”.

In the case of such a mascara, it explains that “if it does, there is a transmission barrier for you to filter very little, as if you had a panel. There are no guaranteed guarantees because it does not have the same filtering capacity that other homologated mascarilla “.

According to a technical information from the Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Hygiene, which includes a series of questions related to the use of mascarillas in sanitary and communal care, the use of surgical surgeries, FFP2 and F3 in sanitario.

The information indicates that, according to previous studies, the use of quirurgical mascara prevents the transmission of the infection between staff, patients and companions.

In relation to the constant use of mascarillas for the protection against the infection by SARS-CoV-2, the signal informs that “apparently, yes”, and indicates that the user has a great deal of control against the virus and appears útil para los que portan la Infection (ya sean sintomáticos o asintomáticos).

In the case of sanitation, in order to protect against infection, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the use of chiropractic mascara on the part of the synthetic cases and on the part of the workers in cases of suspected or unspoken cases. of such mascarillas on the part of workers.

In addition, the European Center for the Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC) states that priority will be given to the use of medical (surgical, FFP2 and FFP3) medical masks by health care professionals.

In view of the general population, it is possible to consider the use of mascarillas in medicines in public spaces as a means of control and with the power to reduce the transmission of the infection.

Concha Tejerina
