Preven record of annual returns for EU aid

In year of each year, the amount of remesas que envían los mexicanos —principalmente desde United States– suele ser más bajo, como station effect tras las December festivities. Without embarrassment, in 2021 there may be an exception, it can be hoped that the money of a surprise surprise, responding to the impulse of the second package of aid that will receive miles of families in this country, to overcome the crisis of Covid-19.

This benefit commences to send to the higher education institutions the finals of December passed and the principles of this month. A family of four members received 2 mil 400 dollars, that is, 600 dollars per person.

If Mexican workers with permanent residence are included and the undocumented migrants, women, are not allowed to take the city, they will benefit from pagan taxes. This is the possibility of sending more money to Mexico.

Die voorste, in the midst of the post-electoral stumbling block that prevails over the appeals presented by President Donald Trump, pushing for the triumph of Joe Biden.

Also read: In case of pandemic, there was a record break; aumentó 11.3%: AMLO


From 2017, January will be the day for the release of the “Trump effect”. The morning of massive deportations the governing body impulsions the envoys, as a preventive ahor form.

This is reflected in the amount captured in the first month of 2017, which has a turnover of 933 million dollars up to 2 million 55 million dollars.

With this, the 2-mile-long barrier was broken, with the mark being marked historical record para un mes similar.

Since then, in particular, the “migratory” llamas are recovering over 2 million dollars. In the first month of 2018 2 million 268 million dollars will be raised, amounting to 2 million 485 million dollars in the same month of 2019, and 2 million 621 million dollars in the year since last year.

It is hoped that for this month there will be a change in its levels, if not a new maximum historical record for the momentum of the second economic estimate by Covid-19.


Also read: Remesas, the main economic entrant of Puebla during recession: Miguel Barbosa

Second packet

Passed December 21, 2020, the books of the Representatives’ Chambers y el Senado of the United States will read an agreement to support a new project of theirs for a second package of tax incentives for 900 million dollars, with the objective of giving benefits for example and direct payments to families.

This is the second largest, although it approves of the pandemic, for 2 trillion dollars.

Includes a $ 600 personal allowance, based on the amount of the first aid program.

The Director of Analysis and Strategy Bursátil of Monex Casa de Bolsa, Carlos González Tabares, if a third part of this package is intended to endanger the economy of the families.

In the interview, it is clear that only the remittances will be announced, as well as the Gross Internal Product and the aggregate demand, because 50% is spent on consumption.

Even if, well, it’s my job, it’s often a bad one because of the amount of water that flows, the last months are quite good for the holidays.

According to the specialist, the trend will continue to grow over the annual increase of between 10% and 11% that will increase in 2020, with around 40 million dollars.

Considering that, with Biden’s governing body, the renovated environment could favor migrants to send more resources, although it is estimated that this year the rhythm of crime will be moderate.

For the Director of Economic Analysis and Strategies of Finamex Casa de Bolsa, Jessica Roldán, the new economic estimate plan proposed by Biden, at 1.9 trillion dollars, will also give impetus to sales.

Also read: Projection by AMLO about crime in Mexico, online with Hacienda

Biden plan

The new state president’s program includes direct payments to citizens, for $ 400 million and a supplementary security supplement, for $ 400 per week, as of September 2021.

Roldán stated that part of the support has been transferred and that the loans have been supported by the rebates: “It is a topic that will certainly continue to support some consumption in Mexico”.

It will also create a positive drama for the level of change, which will benefit our economy, dijo.

Biden’s immediate recovery plan tends to be approved by the Congress, which is now controlled by the Democrats, has the majority over the Chamber of Representatives as in the Senate, where the vice president has a quality vote Kamala Harris.

According to the American Rescue Plan, cascade residents with undocumented receipts will be allowed to receive the payment of the economic estimate if they are excluded from the previous ones.

It was planned to increase the minimum federal salary from 7.25 dollars per current hour to 15 dollars, even though it has not been moved since 2009. The former also had to inject enthusiasm into the fluke for meals.

The objective of the Biden living program is to increase the economic impact generated by Covid-19 from these fronts: support families and control sanitary emergencies.

The new administration will apply to the Congress for the approval of 20 million dollars for the creation of a national program for the distribution of vacancies at all costs to all residents, importing their migration status. It also costs 50 million dollars for fast Covid-19 tests.

Over 350 million dollars to burn financial assistance to the state and local governments, of the 20 million millions Iranian to the public transport system.

In addition, tax credits are available to employers who have licenses to work with to help family members with children who are not assisted in school.

For the repatriation of schools, soliciting 170 million dollars, Biden concludes that many women will be reintegrated into labor market.

Help pay for living and billing services for people bajos ingresos, and the moratorium on sales and mortgage evictions will be extended until September.

Also read: Biden lists an estimate for the EU economy of 1.9 trillion dollars

Loose beneficiaries

Over the last 15 years, 8 million people have been favored with the second package of estimates in support of the pandemic economy, known as the Economic Impact Pact 2 (EIP, by its English flags).

El Internal Tax Service (IRS) and the Department of Treasury will enter into the December 21st finals and the principles of EIP 2, as part of the Ley de Supementarias Suplementarias en Respuesta y Alivio al Coronavirus (Ley CARES, por sus siglas en Engels) a millons de estadounidenses which will presumably receive the first round, authorized in March 2020.

The eligible persons would, in their majority, pay their taxes, based on the IRS ‘patronage of contributors.

As with the first stage of the Ley CARES stage, the majority of beneficiaries made their direct deposit at their bank account.

To the beneficiaries of Social Security or those who receive the first round of payments through the ticket Direct Express, if the deposit is the money of the second payment of the same manner.

Otros lo recibieron por check enviado por correo, ya quienes no les llegó el primero ni el segondo podrán klaman cuando presenten su annual declaration de impuestos corresponding to the tax assessment 2020, a travers de la solicitation de crédito de reembolation de reembolso.

El IRS work day and night, including during the December festivities, to distribute agile and fast-moving water supplies to those eligible contributors to be benefited.

The Covid-19 aid is the new EIP 2 program that was approved by Congress consisting of $ 600 support per person and $ 200 million for caseworkers presenting their tax return.

A total of 600 additional dollars will be paid to contributors with minorities for 17 years, with this amount for each year.

Those who present their 2019 tax returns will surely pay tribute, as well as to the jubilees of Social Security, beneficiaries of incapacity, railway carriages, families with children and adults incapacitated by low incomes and limited resources, as well as mayors over 65 years of the Supplementary Infringement Security Program.

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It also covers those who register online before the IRS by means of the Non-Filers notice before 21 November 2020 or who will present a simplified declaration and which will be processed by the tax office.

If a gross adjusted amount was declared in 2019 of up to $ 75 million in the case of individuals, and up to $ 150 million for caseworkers who declare taxes in conjunction and so-called survivors, the full amount is paid in the second installment.

Without embarrassment, in the case of persons who declare taxes on any of them, the term of the debt is reduced.
