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The giant sculpture of the vulva of a woman dating polemics in Brazil

Agua Preta (Brasil), 6 ene (EFE) .- The gigantic reproduction of the vulva of a woman, sculpted in an ornament of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco by the artist Juliana Notari, then the voice against the “secular abuse” suffered by the mujeres y “abre” las “heridas” de una cultura aporreada por el actual Gobierno, asegura su creadera. The resinous controversy over 33 metro long and once again produced from an excavation of six metroways deep in the ground, in a small mountain of the Mata Sul ecosystem, close to the border between the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas, in the noreste de Brasil, y dentro del parque-museo Usina das Artes. The sculpture is exhibited in this museum to the abyss of three acres by a deaf-mute engineer, in which he conveys lagoons, fauna, flora and permanent exhibitions of artists such as the Franco-Spanish Joan Barrantes, the Cuban Carlos Garaico Padín or the Brazilian José Rufino. “The work has been hereditary and brings a voice in this period that we live from years ago, in which he recalled some values ​​of culture and education, which are the most attacked by the extreme right in Brazil”, led by the President Jair Bolsonaro, afirmó Notary interviewing EFE. The cultural polemic, numbered “Diva”, has provided ampoules and entrapped the company from the most conservative sectors of society, with which the art lives a “cultural war”, aseguró. Notary attributes the “reactionary” attacks that he carried to “followers of Bolsonaro and evangelicals with some fascism”. “This work is in front of our people with prejudice and retrograde values ​​that refute this social exploitation that we are living and all is a process of cultural freedom that is being suppressed, since the lack of funding has been censored. Culture is in progress peores momentos “, completed. For the author, Brasil “passed by moments of slavery and dictatorship through those who do not repair the victims and do not close the heredas. Now these herids are inflamed, with a war that is more cultural, and there are other discussions no se pueden perder “. “We are charged with this energy of oppression, especially in the means of femininity, with a female reprimanded by the large number of sailors for white men who hold the dominion of their body, from medicine to aesthetics, with patriarchal patrons, and the it is proposed that the persons take their reading “, dijo. For a Notary, the work “is more than a hereditary vulva. If you want to make something more literal from a vagina the hubie hecho with labs and clitoris, but in this case he wants to interact with colonial hereditary diseases that are inserted in our civilization and la mujer “. “It was the appropriation of the body for feudalism, capitalism, and the violent form as it is said, with a ‘brothel’ of women who have dominion and affiliation, who are partisans and curators using hierbas and eran powers, for many I ended up in the hoguera and then unveiled the actual feminism “, dijo. “Diva”, says Notary, “is in this context of Latin America an open heritage, like that of (the Uruguayan writer, Eduardo) Galeano. the colonization “. POLEMIC ART From the fact that the work in social speeches received an avalanche of criticisms, a situation in which the Notary is affiliated with other “perfomances” (representations). “These criticisms are loaded with much prejudice, rabies and other assumptions such as genitalization, because the work refuses a binary assumption, but no one is impressed by anything, because the contemporary art is just that, it must affect the work of a man.” o como una flor “, commented the artist. The giant vulva in Aguas Pretas, a municipality located 130 kilometers from Recife, the regional capital, forms part of the “Doctora Diva” proposal, which has been making decades of record trips to Brazil and Europe with other works and video interventions. The European intervention of “Doctora Diva” recreates landscapes such as Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands, with an anonymous vagina, literally singing – for which it is used bovine – appearing in artistic spaces and together with works of European artists abrazaron the initiative of his Brazilian colleague. One of the most iconic notary interventions by Notaries is “Mimoso”, a video in which the author appears amarrada and is arrested by a buffalo, named Mimoso, who was castrated in the play of the fluent island of Marajó, in the amazonico state of Pará, and then the artist decides to trade the animal testicles. In the juicing of its creator, the work “is also a heredity of the medium, then the mother earth, Gaia, is alive, with the pandemic and the stems attacking, contaminating. The earth, which generates life, of fruit, and its relation is very close to the woman, but does not exclude transsexuals, it is not just the binary “. Waldheim García Montoya (c) Agencia EFE
