Presidential debate: Reactivate the camp and tourism will make the economic proposals that prevail among the candidates | Politics | Notice

Obtain more oil from oil, give credits to production and benefits to cover tourism, as it ends the daily journal of the four, is among the proposals of women who want to read the Presidency of the Republic.

Lucio Gutiérrez de Sociedad Patriótica, Gerson Almeida del movimiento Ecuatoriano Unido, Xavier Hervas del partido Izquierda Democrática, Pedro Freile del movimiento Amigo, César Montúfar de la alianza entre el Socialista partid el movimiento concertaión de Con Sunday 10 January in the second part of the presidential debate organized by Diario El Comercio. This is Yaku Pérez (Pachakutik) who is not assisting. On Saturday, Andrés Arauz joined the UNES Alliance.

The first theme is economics, production and employment. On this subject, the candidate by the Patriótica Sociedad Party, list 3, Lucio Gutiérrez, signaled that the intermediate staff would be impulsive which consisted in not covering taxes on the employers that the first employee was on the young people who were salvaged by the universities.

The President added that in addition the IVA will increase from 12% to 10% and will stimulate the ecological industries in the country as well as the country and other products.

Habló converts to Ecuador in a technology center to attract international banking and international technology companies like Google, advocating legal certainty. And he assured us that he would support the agro with bargain credits, impeding the contraband and paying the costs of the agricultural machinery.

If the only one who has experience to govern and experience exit (…), Ecuador needs a president who does not dress or wear clothes “, Lucio Gutiérrez, Sociedad Patriótica

Ecuatoriano Unido’s impulsive candidate, list 4, Gerson Almeida plant generate revenue, economic activation and eliminate credit bureaus.

Almeida insists that it is necessary to “construct” to dismantle the system, “useless of a law and a desire that we do not have a lad”. Record that he is an evangelical pastor who has “served the project”, and as part of his goals that channel the needs, deliver and establish an economic activation system and generate wealth.

The economy of the rich countries is growing when producing. What we propose is to activate the economy, not reactivation. Ecuador needs to generate wealth, increasing productivity. Lamentamos que no se haya hecho esto antes. Having built to invest, Ecuador is living on real and practical bases “, Gerson Almeida, Ecuatoriano Unido

César Montúfar, candidate of Alianza Honestidad (PSE-Concertación), lys 17-51, fue el tercer presidentciable en presentar su propuesta y dijo that planea liderar un gran acuerdo de reactivación economics et generation generation em blindo la dolarización y permita crearjoent.

What we have with the employee we will generate lines of credit to facilitate, to promote the small and median company “, César Montufar, PSE and Concertación

The candidate will also see that these lines of credit, which will be available to Farmers and employers, will be generated through the public bank and will be covered by a foreign inversion by reducing the division’s debt and boosting a base economy.

Refreshment will reduce the public guest and renegotiate the page of the deed, but it will not be reconciled with the deed acquired during the reign of Rafael Correa.

The presidential candidate of Izquierda Democrática, list 12, Xavier Hervas, dijo that recovers the national economy with policies that support the private sector.

Credit access, inject liquid into the productive apparatus, that the Bank of the Pacific will take a bank of development and establish the entrance of the international bank “, Xavier Hervas, ID

Destacó that replicates what he has in his particular life, the creation of jobs. Aseguró que ha dado trabajo a 300 ciudadanos. Add the search engine for the exporter.

On the subject of relations with taxes, which will gradually bring about a gradual reduction in tributes.

For its part, the aspirant to the Presidency for the Suma movement, list 23, Guillermo Celi, based on the economic proposals in lowering the IVA from 12% to 8%, which will allow lowering the prices of the products and generating sales and reactivating the economy.

In addition, we ensure that the 4% interest rate of the Bank of Fomento and the development bank is shared and indicates that it compares production to the small agricultural producers.

Tourism has a separate chapter in the proposals of these, which ensures that there will be a strategic and productive sector to generate employment, indicating that together with its Verónica Sevilla, candidate for the Vice-Presidency, will stimulate the sector to the 11% IVA in 5 %, only for this segment.

We know that we have moments of crisis in order to succeed in the country “, Guillermo Celi, SUMA

As much as, Pedro Freile, candidate of the Amigo movement, list 16, compromises to “defend the dollarization” and “massively exploit the oil”, promotes labor by hours.

In tourist areas we say that the tax sectors of the hospital sector that pay can be “punished”, despite the economic crisis due to the pandemic.

We will massively explode the oil. We will open the economic frontiers of Ecuador. We are generating work for hours. I do not know that I should have been on the bench … “, Pedro Freile, Amigo

Juan Fernando Velasco, of Construye, list 25, where it needs to recover the economy of the country, which has been sidelined by the effects of COVID-19, with the implementation of policies that flex the trading hours.

No restraining the tourism schedules. That one can go to a restaurant, to a bookstore at 23:00. If we do not take the holidays, for example, the holidays from the media, by decree, the labor day ends and so does this tourism “, Juan Fernando Velasco, Construye

Add to that the fact that the governor has to deal with the frenzy of mano in the private productive sector.

“The job is not the governing body, the job is in the private sector and there is a shortage of money, so that our producers can do it”. (I)
