President of the work on the Amplification of the San Isidro Autopista

President Luis Abinader dio the first palace is this game to initiate the avenue work of the avenida Coronel Rafael Fernández Domínguez, better known as the Autopista of San Isidro.

The project exemplifies the construction of new carriages to increase the vial capacity of four carriages per circulation, with an inversion of RD $ 800 million, of which RD $ 600 million is in the presumption of this year.

The municipalities aseguran are happy with this announcement and hope that the future will be completed at the promised time, and that the lack of acres and an islet to cross a safe form of a barn to another has a problem that lasts them . Esther Ramírez, is available to cross the avenue with the nines when Listin Diario’s reporters ask him to appear on the notice of the First Mandate to ensure that it is possible to hope that time will pass.

Juan Heredia, resident of a condominium located on the San Isidro motorway shows allegroia and insures his many accidents that are produced in the log in the shed.

“There are many accidents, no accidents, no pains, there are many shocks due to the inconvenience of the avenue”, assured.

Details of the work

The avenue will be intervened by Charles de Gaulle next to the San Isidro Air Base which measures 5.13 kilometers of additional carriage to cross intersections.

The Minister of Public Works, Delegate Ascension, ensures that the occupied zones are repaired and that the work is completed by the municipalities that can carry the fields without having to put them on the road.

The official employee that the avenida will be designed to install a fast transport system VTR. The Minister will ensure that the work culminates in the finals of 2022.

Ascension guarantees that in the next few days there will be other works that will benefit the citizens of Santo Domingo Este. The physical work includes realizing earthworks and asphalt carpet.
