President of the Dominican Medical College dice “AstraZeneca’s vacancy” at the convention “

The president of the Dominican Medical College (CMD), Waldo Ariel Suero, has warned that the AstraZeneca window will not be convened to be one of the most questionable in terms of its effectiveness and secondary effects.

Suero emits these statements this March during an interview conducted on the Súper7FM (107.7) radial program, donde recalls that the CMD prioritizes the vacancies of Pfizer and Modernity by having major levels of coverage and effectiveness.

The doctor classified as “precipitated” the contract of the vacancy of AstraZeneca on the part of the Dominican governor, which was first paid in the course of a donation from the private sector by US $ 8 million.

“The intention is good for precipitation, it is decided by a vacuum of those who are less likely to have it including China,” he said.

Doctor Suero indicates that during the meeting he held 14 days ago with the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, he was firing on the CMD’s position in the vacancy of AstraZeneca and the plant that favors the Pfizer and Moderna stadium vacancies.

The interviewer made sure that during his meeting the mandate stated that “if the victims were to be prosecuted for other vacancies, there would be an investment of eight million dollars for AstraZeneca”.

“We will take care of the poor and we will take care of the poor for the people and we will do more to produce it”, manifesto Suero.

During his intervention in the program, the doctor expressed that “no cry” that the doctors who would be vaccinated with AstraZeneca for the position of the Medical College.

However, in view of the news that caused his affirmation, Suero withdrew and stated that “he who wants to be vacated is vacant”, and that at no moment does he know that he is vacant and that he agrees with what the people do ”.

“The one who wants to work with AstraZeneca who is now, now, the Medical College has to orientate the doctors and the country”, insist.

Suero subrayo to be able to evaluate the vacancy in general sense “Faltarán meses, no días”, to be a complex process. Moreover, signal that the vacancies are not final, debit and that would be approved as a way of emergence.

The president of the CMD says that in countries of the region with “apparent” conditions to the Dominican Republic are applying the Pfizer vaccine, while off The authorities argue that logistics and technology do not exist.

“Do not have the logistics or the technology for their refrigeration, but if they are the ones hiccuping on what we do not know?” Why do we not thank you for a good holiday? “, Exclamation.

About AstraZeneca

Suero assurur que the AstraZeneca vaccine cover is one of the most analyzed. The first studies realized will show an efficiency of 62% to 70%, and the backs reveal a 90% coverage coverage.

Todavía is not defined as the real alcance of the vacuna, by Reino Unido continúan los ensayos and fled alternately with the gun Rusa Sputnik V.

One of its sales is that this vacancy is economical, each costing UD $ 4, in addition on the elevation which oscillates between 2-8 ° C the place in one of the most “maneuverable”.

“It is good to record that during the surveys of the Astrazeneca vaccine these were detected because one of the cases with Mielitis Transversa was a very serious complication”, the CMD advised in a communication.

About Pfizer and Modern

Ambas vacunas approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and his studies are one of them 95% efficiency (Pfizer) and 94% (Modern)

According to its manejo, logistics and refrigeration, the vacuna Pfizer should be elevated to -70 ° C, which coincides with a mayor’s complexity and the inversion of more resources.

Mentras que la vacuna Modern weather is humid -20 ° C and costs around $ 25.

In search of vacancies

On Monday, President Luis Abinader said that Vice President Raquel Peña had been in contact with Pfizer, Moderna, with the vacancy and with Covax that there was an OMS coordination program for the equitable distribution of the vacancy.

In the press conference at the Palacio Nacional dijo that the main priority of the Gobierno is to grant the vaccine against the coronavirus the possible antecedents and that it hopes to announce results in this sentencing in order to receive urgent vacancies. There is a lot of 200 mil vacancies for the salute staff.
