President of the Chamber of Deputies’ compromise with approving the “Ley para un Retiro Digno”

On his first day as President of the Chamber of Representatives, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Montañez, announcing that between its first steps will be the derogation from the Electoral Code and the Labor Reform, as well as the approval of the Camera 120 Project that will be passed on the “Ley para un Retiro Digno” as the mechanism for protecting pensions government employees.

“We will approve and we will not know and if we do not attend the junta, we will defend in the courts or in the forums that are necessary”, signaled the cameral president in reference to the media of the authority of the representative of New Progressive Party (PNP), Lourdes Ramos.

Ayer, domingo, on 18 labor organizations demanding the approval of the mid-term February 10, close to the government the governor should have agreed with the federal judge Laura Taylor Swain an agreement with the approvers or a plan to revise the public debt, which includes reports on public employees’ pensions.

The Cámara 120 Project, which has as an employee the representative of Puerto Rican Independentist Party (PIP), Denis Márques, laat herleef una medida que se quedó en la Legislatura el aoo pasado.

However, Hernández Montañez signed his first executive order declaring a tax evasion emergency in the Legislative Assembly in order to be able to make the necessary adjustments. Between these adjustments, it eliminates the duplication of guests and functions in the superintendence and the joint commissions.

“We have three joint committees, the Superintendence and the Chamber. And this is the capacity of the director of Finanzas and the director of Compras and the Recursos Humanos… todos esos directors están a razón from $ 5,000 y $ 6,000, to $ 25,000, ”argues Hernández Montañez.

Advirtió, no obstante, que velarán que medidas de ajuste Similargie aan también se tomen a nivel del Ejecutivo. “If we take action in our case, we will see that the central government also adjusts to the financial reality of the poorer people,” he said.

Hernandez company, in addition, a second administrative order to ensure the continuous dissemination of public information as a means of preventing governmental corruption and conflicts of interest. “The Puerto Rican people have full and immediate access to documents and information that accredit the operation and operation of this legislative body,” it said.

A third-party administrative order will, for its part, establish the guilds of the directory. “The people who believe in their son, who perseveres, in whom they represent women. He has a legitimate end to discussing with some of our 51 representatives who have made it to the front, ”he said.

Hernández Montañez said that, moreover, a resolution had been issued to investigate the Luma Energy contract.
