President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, said he was not Lenín Moreno and that he had no contact with his Vice President Cristina Fernández | International | Notice

Fernández joined the presidency to oust Mauricio Macri in 2019.

In an interview with Argentine President Alberto Fernández about what he thinks of the hopefuls he has with his Vice President Cristina Fernández, who took the presidency, he literally does not like the Ecuadorian president.

“I’m not Lenin Moreno … I’m lying to Cristina and I’m watching Cristina. Read with Cristina, with Máximo (Kirchner, hijo de Cristina), with Sergio (Massa) and meet and with many others. Geen voy a romper esa unidad. Because when the United (Mauricio) Macri unit was replaced and we knew what was going on, ”said the Argentine mandate, which was passed in power in December 2019.

Antes de llegará a la presidencia habían varias voces en Argentina que hablaban sober al distanciamiento que habían tenido los dos Fernández en el segundo de los presidenciales de Cristina (2007-2015), tras lo cual Alberto se volvoí uno des sus mayors critio dentro of peronism.

Now within the government the most close sector to Alberto and the most close to Cristina suelen will have discrepancies, but no episode has been seen that can make you think of a fracture.

Quizá lo que mejor define esta union fue que la reconciliçion se baso en argo que dijo Alberto cuando se unieron electoralmente: Que Alberto solo no podía (ganar las elecciones) ya Cristina sola le le alcanzaba.

Ambos is united to derail the presidency of Mauricio Macri, who was predominantly opposed to Cristina. While Lenín Moreno has won the 2017 elections with the support of President Rafael Correa -Moreno, he has been Vice President for the past 10 years. The replacement in the cargo with a parachuted idea is that Moreno said that the “mesa servida” that Correa had promised existed, occupying a large division that persists in the news.

“I’m one of the founders of kirchnerismo, he accompanied Néstor (president of Argentina between 2003 and 2007 and esposo Cristina Fernández hasta su muerte) cuando éramos muy poquitos, y si ‘kirchnerizar’s romper lawillad del diálogo no cuenten conmigo, porque voy to follow the dialogue until the last day of my gesture ”, afirmó el primer mandatario. (I)
