President Joe Biden celebrates the approval of the aid package with an event at Casa Blanca | News Univision Politica

The llamada Ley de Rescate Estadounidense ( U.S. Rescue Law) was approved only by the votes of the Democrats in the Senate and finally in the Chamber of Representatives, marking a notable contrast with other packages of assistance by the coronavirus that were carried out last year and that confronted bipartisan aborigines.

In the Garden of the Roses, the event will take place only democratic chambers leaders and none of the Republican Party, who ruled the city as an excessive guest that only impresses liberal politicians and that, asurur, was not involved in the pandemic. The aid package does not provide a single support between the Republicans.

Biden and Harris were accompanied on the podium by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, who preceded the presidential double with letters of message in the presidential leadership speech. of the packet of aid.

“Usted has lamented the death of North American aunts. Empathy has been converted in the cell of his presidency, senor president. Usted has done so in the states, Independently of whom to vote, support this plan”, Harris said during the act, dirigiéndose a Biden.

“The people will have the checks in their bank account, the results will be displayed when they are new and their new transactions are closed”.

Biden, for its part, is recognizing the courage that Democrats in Congress will face to pass the package of estimates, historic by its dimensions. “An 85% of the hogares received part of this money“, afirmó el presidente.” Many are wondering what to do, with their mortgage, with their work “, dijo.

“What is difficult for family aunts who are suffering from a huge stress is to be in a situation like this, so much so that they can not access any therapy for children who are having problems,” the president said.

In view of the failure of Republican support, which does not correspond to the spirit of unity that Biden defended since his accession to the presidency, the approval of this package is first major legislative victory for the Biden-Harris team.

In close proximity, Biden, like Harris, is trying to recreate the country to promote the bonds of the plan, which is most notable is the $ 1,400 aid check sent to the contributors and the extension of the security set up by Venice. March 15.

