President Hernández hopes that Tony’s case will go to the second instance in the EU

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- The President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, it is hoped that a “second instance” judicial body in the United States will be able to review the case of its German, an ex-deputy hallado guilty of narcotics traffic by a New York tribunal.

In an interview with AFP, the mandate is confident that the juices will detect the charges against Juan Antonio “Tony” Hernández, responds to a drug cartel vengeance vengeance that his governess disarmed.

“Tony” fue hallado skuldig deur un jurado de la Corte del Distrito Sur de Nueva York por cargos como narcotrafico y posesion de armas, delitos que el juez puede castigar con al minos 40 anos de karcel.

VEA: Applause the “Tony” Hernández sentence on octave occasion

The reprisals, say the president, the envoys also to him, then narcotics drivers will ensure that they support economically their presidential campaign in exchange for allowing them to operate.

In the power of 2014, the lawyer Hernández recorded that his governor had added 23 capos. And there is a small amount of support from the United States, which is recognizing its decline in drug traffic in Honduras by 83%.

ADEMÁS: Así es la vida van Tony Hernández dentro del Centro Correccional de Manhattan

JOH, as he conjures up in his country on his own initiative, addresses issues of security, narcotics and diplomacy, the issues reached during the interview and also the day before his posture in front of the controversy in his speech:

His hmano fue hallado culpable in United States by angles with the heads

There are two dimensions, the dimension of hermano, of familiar, al ver a mi madre, al ver a los sobrinos (hijos de Tony), a mis hermanos, y al conversar en el seno familiar es algo fuerte, es algo que golpea muy duro .

But he is also the president of a country and (…) not only is he one of them.

Now well, when you choose the assesins confessed to make ridiculous, then you clearly understand the vengeance.

Pero lo hallaron guilty [espera sentencia para marzo] What do you want to do with this decision?

Habrá que ver como quedan los testimonios de estas personas una vez el juez se de cuente de quiènes son (…) Como todo judicial process, always has a second instance.

LE PUEDE INTERESAR: PHOTOS: Así es la carcel donde seguirá Tony Hernández tras conocer su sentencia
