President Biden takes office with a package of executive orders to overthrow the Trump Legacy | News Univision Politica

➡️And his first full day at Casa Blanca, Biden issued new decrees to improve pandemic response, specifically to increase the detection of virus within the country, control the pandemic as it deals with international travel and increase the evacuation centers and increase the mechanisms of production and distribution of vacancies.

➡️As one of the new decrees will require negative evidence of covid-19 and quarantines to international travelers.

➡️El líder republicano del Senado, Mitch McConnell, dijo durante un llamada con senadores de su party que no ten prices to initiate the political juicio against Donald Trump and assured that, although the Chamber of Deputies’ expeditious form procedure, the Senate required time to prepare for a full trial.

➡️ The Department of National Security announced that pausará algunas deportations lasting 100 days, “for ensure that we have a just immigration control system and efficacy “.
