President Biden has not held a news conference after 60 days in office

If President Biden approves a recent pledge in the White House that he will ask questions from a chamber full of reporters for the first time this coming Thursday, he will do so on his 65th day since taking office.

Saturday was the 60th consecutive day that the country’s 46th president did not hold a news conference with the White House press corps.

The stretch was characterized by several interactions with the media:

On March 3, for example, Biden appeared ready to address some reporters’ questions during a virtual news conference with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but the video stream of the event was suddenly cut off.

“I’d love to ask questions if that’s what I need to do, Nance,” Biden said just before the event ended abruptly.

On March 10, Biden was just a few feet away from reporters shouting questions during a visit to a hardware store in Washington, DC, but the president’s assistants intervened quickly, reports The New York Post.


“Come on, push, you have to go,” one of Biden’s people is heard shouting at the journalists as the event breaks.

President Biden's appearance at a hardware store will be cut short on March 10, 2021.

President Biden’s appearance at a hardware store will be cut short on March 10, 2021.

The news from the Biden government is apparently reluctant to meet the president in person with several journalists, all of whom are eager to obtain answers on various topics.

Stories reported that on his 27th day, former President Trump raised a wide range of media questions in the first place, while former President Obama waited 20 days and former President George W. Bush waited 33 days.

In fact, Biden’s two-month avoidance of a news conference is the longest in a century since President Calvin Coolidge, known as ‘Silent Cal’, according to The Washington Post.

President Calvin Coolidge was known as 'Silent Cal'.  (Associated Press)

President Calvin Coolidge was known as ‘Silent Cal’. (Associated Press)

During Saturday, Biden preferred to speak to reporters only in live TV interviews with a single news organization, or in informal circumstances during his daily duties, rather than during an appearance in the White House Information Room or another venue.

4 reasons to avoid press

On Friday, one academic wrote there are at least four reasons why a president wants to avoid press conferences.

David Clementson, an assistant professor of journalism and mass communication at the University of Georgia, shared his observations on The Conversation website.

Joe Biden attends a virtual public health briefing in Wilmington, Del., During the 2020 presidential campaign, October 28, 2020. (Associated Press)

Joe Biden attends a virtual public health briefing in Wilmington, Del., During the 2020 presidential campaign, October 28, 2020. (Associated Press)

The reasons, according to Clementson, are: to avoid evading questions in public, to avoid having to respond to questions for which there are no good answers, to avoid situations in which a president simply ‘cannot win’, and lastly, to avoid disclosing too much information.

It is obvious that all presidents will at least draw criticism after any news conference, given the partisan composition of a large part of the country, the professor notes.

“Even without the interference of journalists,” Clementson adds, “presidents by half the population will not be believed, and the more they speak, the more they become presidents.”


But the professor claims that every president has an obligation to the public to answer reporters’ questions from time to time, as part of a demonstration that the country’s commander – in – chief is being held accountable for his actions.

He notes that the White House Correspondents’ Association has accused Biden of having “liability to the public” after Biden’s 50th day of avoiding reporters.

Joseph A. Wulfsohn and Caitlin McFall of Fox News contributed to this story.
