Presenting the Revolution and living to counter: the history of the Mexican longevity that was congratulated by AMLO on completing 124 years

The Mexican Manuel García, 124 years old, reacted in an interview with Efe, the 20th of January 2021, in the city of Juárez, in the state of Chihuahua (Mexico).  (Photo: EFE)
The Mexican Manuel García, 124 years old, reacted in an interview with Efe, the 20th of January 2021, in the city of Juárez, in the state of Chihuahua (Mexico). (Photo: EFE)

In the Nochebuena of 1896, the most powerful man in the world, the Mexican Manuel García, was born. At 124 years old, it’s how it reflects its act of birth, living in the frontier Ciudad de Juárez y da algunos consejos para vivir tantos años: trabajo duro y llevar una vida sin vicios.

This week, Manuel García won the notoriety when the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, congratulated him on a video via Twitter: “It has 124 years, a sail and a quarter”.

Record that the male lived the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910, and “All we have is the dichotomy that exists between us.”

“No president wants to salute the poor”, said he was married to Efe Manuel, from his homely house in Ciudad Juárez and accompanied by his wife Tomasa.

There were no more than 100 years left to complete the camp and it was transferred to Ciudad Juárez to live with one of his hats.  (Photo: EFE)
There were no more than 100 years left to complete the camp and it was transferred to Ciudad Juárez to live with one of his hats. (Photo: EFE)

With a sonrisa and a miraculous miracle, Manuel recalls with emotion his native state, his Veracruz quarrel, in this part of the country.

According to the deed of birth which is between his arrogant men, born on December 24, 1896, in the Tlapacoyan municipality, donde vivió casi toda su vida.

“Much more the camp, extra work”, afirmó.

A los 9 años comenzó is a complex agriculturist. From time to time food is fed to the animals before being cared for, and it is always delayed depending on the cultivars.

Geen fue het 100 años que abandonó por completo el campo nie and was transferred to Ciudad Juárez to live with one of his daughters.


Presenting a Mexico very different from now, which recalls with nostalgia.  Especially the music of his era, where the guitar and the violin sound a lot.  (Photo: EFE)
Presenting a Mexico very different from now, which recalls with nostalgia. Especially the music of his era, where the guitar and the violin sound a lot. (Photo: EFE)

With a sonrisa in his car, if you are happy when you record your camping life, between sembradios and the creation of gallinas, vacas and caballos, which the gustaba montar.

Presenting a very different Mexico nowadays, which falls with nostalgia. Especially the music of his era, where the guitar and the violin sound a lot.

“When the day of the saint of algae dwells in his house and the tobaccos ‘Las Mañanitas’. No había luz en las calles, only the illuminated candles”, Explained.

It has lived through great historical moments such as national ones, such as the Mexican Revolution, the World Cup, as the Luna Male Legacy (1969).

Manuel contracted matrimony for 45 years with Rosa Medino, who was 13 years old.  Tuvo 17 hijos, de los cuales le sobreviven hoy en día 4, y 40 nietos.  (Photo: EFE)
Manuel contracted matrimony for 45 years with Rosa Medino, who was 13 years old. Tuvo 17 hijos, de los cuales le sobreviven hoy en día 4, y 40 nietos. (Photo: EFE)

Para don Manuel, the best president of Mexico fue Plutarco Elías Calles (1924-1928). “He helped the people of the camp, made a petition and waited for the necessities.”

Although with the slow lane for the years, his visit to the man and the men of a man dedicated to the camp for decades, Manuel preserves the liquid and some recommendations for who to live with as much as he does.

“To the young, who are not pierced in vices, in guards, who work, coman well and no quieran cuidarse ya cuando estén enfermos”, Subrayó.


With the llorosos ojos, cuente que su padre le pide que ya no vaya al Trabajo y que esté de tiempo completi al pendiente de el.
With the llorosos ojos, cuente que su padre le pide que ya no vaya al Trabajo y que esté de tiempo completi al pendiente de él. “I’m told you not to go, that any day that regresses is not what I want to meet.” (Photo: EFE)

Manuel contracted matrimony for the 45 years with Rosa Medino, who was 13 years old. Tuvo 17 hijos, de los cuales le sobreviven hoy en día 4, y 40 nietos.

She had 10 years ago in Veracruz and because of the preoccupation with taking care of her health, she married Tomasa García to Manuel and Ciudad Juárez, in order to be dependent on her friends.

Tomasa is 57 years old and is looking forward to the 4th of the month to start preparing before going to work for a makeup artist.

With the lorosos islands, it is known that his father is the one who is not at work and who is a complete time dependent on him. “I mean, I’m not going to die, I’ve been saying that regression is not what I’m looking to meet.”

Without embarrassment, she walks with her labor journals, Manuel’s nieces and nephews periodically leave and are waiting to be married.

The hand of Don Manuel is a small collection but it is painted in beautiful colors. And it has all the necessities to mitigate the holiday season, an electric mantle and various cobijas.

From their case and called by the suyos, Manuel passes the slides next to the coronavirus pandemic that hit the planet. However, it is time to dump her and move on.

And although it can be the most old man in the world, his family has no interest in recording a Guinness record.

The priority is salvaguardar su salud y bienestar, y seguir aprendiendo de él.



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