Presenting a guide to the practice of ancestral medicine in order to promote an immunological system

El Gobierno presented this Monday a Practical guide for the incorporation of natural products and ancestral traditional medicine in the prevention of respiratory diseases and the administration of the immunological system in the context of COVID-19.

The document of 58 pages that can be downloaded for free at the link, recovers the millennial sabidaria of indigenous peoples, origins, campsites with respect to the use and consumption of medicinal plants, herbs, fruits and foods destined to preserve health and well-being.

Respect the foods that fortify the immunological system and help to combat the fever, the guia mention to the line that acts as a supplement for the weight loss. Favorite the transit derm. It is antioxidant. Arterial regulation of pressure. It is beneficial to reduce the level of stress. Prevention of carcinogenic diseases. Maintains the cholesterol balance and is beneficial for people with cardiac diseases. Favors the development of the fetal nervous system.

Another product is the Ayrampo plant used to fight fever caused by respiratory infections and other types, with preference in nines.

El Amor Seco, is a plant that ignites, used to treat feverish illnesses such as: flu, fever, fever, heartburn, matrix infection, diarrhea, intestinal infection, migraine and vesicle inflammation.

El Jengibre has anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity, which impedes the replication of viruses and which penetrate the healthy cells.

The ajo is an antiviral by excellence, has the peculiarity of combating respiratory infections, dilating the bronchi, fluidizing the mucous membranes and estimating in the immunological system.

The wire wire is a medicinal plant that strengthens the respiratory system, is used to prevent and eliminate tos, flu, bronchitis, ronquera, fever, indigestion, herbal scars, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

The eucalyptus is an expectorant, antiseptic, decongestant, to prevent and eliminate the flu, resuscitation, asthma, bronchitis, median vahos, vapor baths that increase congestion, pharyngitis, amygdalitis, gingivitis. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal (hongos) properties, antioxidants and better defenses. The eucalyptus must be used in small quantities.

Guayaba hojas contain antiseptic properties that act as natural antibiotics. Serve to cure heredity by its antibacterial and anesthetic properties. It is antifungal and can eliminate fungi and bacteria that cause malignancies in diarrhea, nausea and vomiting; intestine; urinary tract and boca.

The guide to traditional medicine included preparations and fruit juices that potentiate the natural defenses of the human organism.

Also includes the prevention and disinfection media that need to be applied daily as the treatment of man, the use of barbs, the social distance, between other aspects.

