Presentation agenda of the V Congreso Internacional de Turismo de Salud y Bienestar

SANTO DOMINGO.- The organizers of At the International Congress of Health and Welfare Tourism present the agenda of this event, in which the actors who form part of the health sector can develop ideas, negotiations, synergies and result in competitive sales that pose the country.

Here is the explanation Dr. Alejandro Cambiaso, President of the Dominican Association of Health Tourism (ADTS) and the licensed Amelia Reyes Mora, President of AF Strategic Communication.

The event will be celebrated on June 9 and 10, 2021 at the Santo Domingo’s Embassy Hotel Royal Hideaway, against the biosecurity media that caused the pandemic.

The celebrations of the main event of medical tourism in Central America and the Caribbean, will meet with the participation of national and international experts, between which the Dr. David Vequist, Ph.D. Fundador and Director Center for Medical Tourism Research (CMTR); Dr. David Samadi, Director of Saint Francis Hospital Oncology Urology; Elizabeth Ziemba, President of Medical Training Training; Dr. Javier Morales, President of the Best Healthcare Option, and Massimo Manzi, Executive Director of the Cámara de Salud de Costa Rica (COMMAND), between others.

At the inauguration, ministerial representatives, patron saints, diplomatic community, and inversionists will testify of the special reconciliations that will cover the most distressed institutions in the sector. Asimismo, the official launch of the 3rd edition of the Guía de Turismo de Salud y Bienestar de la Republik Dominicana will take place.

The activity will be composed of various discussion panels, master conferences and networking spaces. Among the most talked about topics are “Passport of Health and Role of the Vacancies in the Relaunch of Tourism and the Economy”, “Lessons learned from the international accreditation process and covid-19 security standards” and “The Contribution of Tourism en la Marca País ”.

In the welcome cocktail will be reconstituted the institutions and launch of the 3rd. Edition of the Guía de Turismo de Salud y Bienestar de la República Dominicana.

El Dr. Alejandro Cambiaso, President of ADTS, will open the day moderating the panel “Lessons learned from the international accreditation process and covid-19 safe”.

The participants will be Dr. Arnaldo Espaillat, Director Médico Instituto Espaillat Cabral; Dr. José Natalio Redondo, President of the Board of Directors of Grupo Rescue; Dr Héctor Sánchez Navarro, CEO Meta Integra HOMS.

In continuation, the License Amelia Reyes Mora, President of AF Comunicación Estratégica, coordinate the panel “The contribution of Health Tourism in the Pais Marca”. We will present the integral effort to promote the image of the Dominican Republic, consolidate its potential in international markets and strengthen its position in the global context.

The panel “Passport of Health and Role of Vacancies in the Relaunch of Tourism and the Economy” will be presented by Dr. José Brea, President of the Dominican Society of Vacunology, who will be moderating the discussion between the participants. Recognize Dr. Rita Rojas, President of the Society of Infectology; doctor Javier Morales, director Médico de Beste option health care.

Thus, the first conference is the burden of international technology and healthcare experts, Fedor Vidal, CEO of Arium Health, a company of information technology services that have as an objective to raise the health standards of the healthcare sector in Dominican Republic and Latin America. The conference will be central to the “Health and Innovation and Digital Transformation Networks”.

For his part, the Dr. José Rafael Yunén, moderator of the panel: “Key Factors in Patient Experience”, intervening in the SRA. Elizabeth Ziemba, President Medical Tourism Training; Arq. Herly Valenzuela, Director General of Ureña Valenzuela & Asociados; Dr. José Joaquín Puello, President of the City of Sanitaria Luis Eduardo Aybar.

El Dr. Luis Alcántara, renowned Dominican Orthopedist, holds the task of moderating the panel “Plastic Surgery, Dentistry, Orthopedics and Robotics: Markets with great potential for the export of health services”. Compare with the participation of authorities of the maximum local and international level as the Dr. Rubén Carrasco, President of the Dominican Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery; Dr. David Samadi, Director of Urology oncology at Saint Francis Hospital.

The Executive Director of the Public-Private Alliance, Sigmund Freund, will lead a panel to discuss the perspective of the Dominant health and tourism sector and the potential of its strategic integration. The theme “Alianzas Público-Privadas en sectores salud y turismo”, loose participants: Lic. Rafael Blanco Tejera President of Asonahores, Dr. Eddy Pérez Toe Assesor Ministerio de Salud y el Lic. Joel Santos, Poder Ejecutivo’s tourism assessor, debates the importance of potentiating these alliances.

The event will be held with the discourse of the licensed David Collado, Minister of Tourism of the Dominican Republic, who will address the theme “Strategies for reactivation in the tourism sector”.

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