Of the 26,682 May 2011 sanctions passed by all political parties in May, the medicine prepaga never increased. In addition, the estuaries will be regulated by the State through the Secretaries of Commerce and Superintendents of Health Care.
Treated to explain that the sector receives only inflationary increments and only its real cost increments. Analyzing the continuation will be the evolution of costs in other countries and will be reflected in our. It is difficult to get a commodity figure, but it will never be lower than 50% per unit of general inflation. It’s engraved in a country with a galloping inflation.
The increase in costs and prices for health care has been defined as above inflation. This means that the costs of this essential activity exceed those of the general inflation of the economy.
It is observed as much in the Northern Hemisphere as the South, and in economies established with low annual inflation indices, as well as in countries with high inflation.
United States is, by law, the country with the mayor erogacion annual per capita in terms of health services. According to Axios, in this country, the equivalent of 17.7% of PBI in the 2018 lump sum results. Impact result is that inflation in the 2018-19 fiscal year will be 1.4% and the 2019-20 period from 1 , 2%, the combined costs for employer and public funds and directive of Bolsillo to remunerate the sanitary services, would be considerably higher. The Kaiser Family Foundation mediates for the 2017 and 2018 periods of 4.2 and 4.6% respectively, while the annual cost of private security increases by 6.7%.
Van otro lado, The Hastings Foundation reports 7% annual intervening increments, alleging that, at present, the Medicare system, a vertebral column in the financing of EU Health services, is technically in place for 9 years. .
In our hemisphere, The Australia Institute realized medicine from the indexes of consumer prices and costs in Health between 2013 and 2019. Taking base 100 in 2013, the increase in consumer prices in Adelaida was 11%, the general cost of services increased by more than 24%.
The Global Medical Trends report published in 2019 by Willis Tower Watson indicates that, on a global level, the increase in the cost of services of Health increases by increasing the indexes of consumer prices in a commodity ratio of 2 to 1, with an increase interanual weighted general of 7.6%.
The low inflation rate and the predominant centralized systems in Europe allow for an erosion control to allow for an interannual increment of 0.5% in the European Union. Existence without embargo Enormous heterogeneity in the results of such systems and the medical inflation contingency remedy was not enforced with management efficiencies with retrieval of practices and hopes lists.
This phenomenon on a global level has been reflected in Argentina as demonstrating the following indicators (Hugo Magonza). Period 01/01/2012 (at the moment the prices were effectively adjusted) to 31 March 2020 (to avoid the effects of the pandemic).
Increments for just the right prices go up by 949% (Source MSAL / SSS).
The IPC during this period is estimated to be 1143% (Source INDEC)
The cost of Salud in a series of more than 15 years increased by up to 35% by IPC. (Source ACAMI)
The dollar has an increase of 1427% (BCRA)
According to the Compulsory Medical Program (PMO), for the National Social Workers starting as of the year 2011 increase to 1817% (Fuente ISALUD prosperity)
In this same period the guest in high-cost medicines is increased by 2124% (Source ADEMP)
It is up to us to aggregate the juice industry, which is a unit of negotiation in its own right, which deters the economies of the very fragile institutions and professionals of the health care system.
As we see, the numbers are available for solo use. We are going to aggravate the COVID-19 pandemic. The health sector supports the health staff’s stoicism and will not receive any increase from January to November 2020.
The State with its aid has the fundamental pillar to overcome the pandemic. Sin su ayuda hubiera sido onmoontlik enfrentarla. With his advancement, the health care providers alone have a dramatic decline in their recovery that they have seen their costs increase exponentially.
I mention simple examples for the reader to read it quickly. We use the barbeque, which a 200-room hospital with the use of 10,000 barbies to 40,000. It is hay that increases the exponential increase of its unit costs. Transforming a general international home into an intensive care unit costing $ 40,000, including the respirator. We transfer these are simple examples of high performance services and will increase the cost of sanitation.
The financiers (the Pami, the union social workers, the social workers of the board of directors, the provincial social workers, the medical medicine) have been satisfied with the process they have brought to a terminal where I have referred them to previous articles.
The actual discount of the costs is around 54%. Only a prolongation of the State aid will continue the pandemic and an urgent increase for the financial entities that precede the 2020 inflation before closing.
The logical consequence of this process is the deterrent of the whole sector.
All documentation that accredited the express has been presented before the Health Service Superintendent (SSS) and the Ministry of Health.
Continuing the effects of the pandemic will be impossible to attend to the population as it has been until now. The financing of the health sector, for that matter, has led to a situation that must be urgently awaited, because the population can not pay medical attention. And it is not possible to burn without the economic resources that demand.
He treated me to give this article a strictly academic approach giving him all kinds of subjects. As will be the case, the reader estimates, the data will last for a while and will not do more than repeat the title of the note.
* Professor Consulto – Senior Scholar Duke University