PPD Electoral Commission solicita corrects the publication of results in Humacao

The Electoral Commission of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), Gerardo Cruz Maldonado, informs hoy, jueves, que solicitation to the President of the State Election Commission (CEE), Francisco Rosado Colomer, which corrects the dissemination of at least four voting booths for the Humacao Senatorial District.

This, however, denounces entry errors identified by the PPD officers and that affect the result of that election.

“On December 31st, the candidate nominated by the Popular Party, Hill Roman, announced that he would run in this event. The form and manner in which the work of the Secretary of State’s Secretary will be carried out in accordance with the CEE proposal will allow entry errors which allow incorrect information to be disclosed in the statements of Humacao, Maunabo and San Lorenzo. The corrections that will increase 62 votes to Hill Roman “, said Cruz Maldonado at the press conference.

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The decision taken by the Cruz Commission was approved by the Junction of the Office of Systems and Electronic Procedures of the CEE, verifying the results of the candidatures for senators by the District of Humacao. Cruz agrees that the correction of the divisions in the CEE Internet page will affect the results of these applications. If Osipe logs the information is expected to be reviewed the results revealed at the moment.

“Following the result that was published on December 31, 2020, by OSIPE, Hill Roman won the election by 42 votes. However, we always believe that the form in which the work is carried out during the scrutiny, especially with the acts of JAVAA, can provoke human errors that we are obliged to correct. Hill Roman will be appearing on his screen. When these results are correct, Hill Roman will prevail over 20 votes, ”said Cruz Maldonado.

Commissioner Cruz signed the confirmation of the result of the election for this senatorial district of Humacao until he corrected such errors and made sure that he communicated the situation with the new president of the Senate José Luis Dalmau as the candidate Hill Roman is who which all corrects the beginning of the ordinary session in the Senate. ‘No puedo descartar what exists otros mistakes and this distrito como and otros precintos in Puerto Rico. The form and manner in which this general scrutiny is organized distances from valid verification mechanisms used in other events that hubieran avoided so many errors, ”Cruz concluded. It is hoped that in the near future the information will be received by OSIPE.
