TIKTOK – Europa Press

The social network TikTok will notify users when they share a video without verifying the end of their diffusion, following a test in which he noted that this perspective has reduced the content ratio of this type to 24 percent.

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By Europa Press

Wednesday, 03 February 2021, at 15:33

TIKTOK – Europa Press

MADRID, 3 (Portaltic / EP)

The social network TikTok will notify users when they share a video without verifying the end of their diffusion, following a test in which he noted that this perspective has reduced the content ratio of this type to 24 percent.

Each time the social network identifies a video as unverified, the user who encounters it will have an advertisement, in which case it is marked, precisely, by not being able to be verified.

The ad, as explained by TikTok in a post on his blog, also appears on the video creator. And a new venture will be shown before the user intends to leave, but on this occasion there will be the option to proceed with his intention.

The search function shows that users are “conscientious of what they share”. Take a look at what Tiktok has learned that the content sharing ratio is verified to be reduced to 24 per cent, and ‘Me Gusta’ indications to 7 per cent.

Although a function was designed for its implementation at a global level, the company indicated that it was available in the United States and Canada, and that the rest of the countries would be “in the near future”.


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