¿Por ?? Sapito ??? Vahidr Derbez puts in RIDICULOUS to Belinda in social speeches

Belida has been converted into one of the most popular songs in the middle of the show, although it was not released at the time of the infantile telenovelas and then the demonstration Vadhir Derbez al burlarse de ella.

The news of Christian Nodal and Vadhir Derbez shared a stage during the telenovela ??Complications rescate??, because it appears that the actor did not olvida the moments that he shared in the chic pantyhose.

One of Belinda’s recorded moments is the interview that ensures that ?? impone moda ??, phrase that the actor tomo par burlarse de ella mientras recordaba algunas scenes de la telenovela infantil.

Riddle of Belinda

In one of the scenes performed by the singer Vadhir Derbez se bella de la manera en que staba vestida Belinda, señalando que ?? fashion impression ?? between risas.

In addition, Eugenio Derbez’s hatred appears to vary on occasional occasions on Belinda’s character and the manner in which she is dressed at the moment.

Currently the song is not responding to the video posted by Vadhir Derbez, but fans are constantly recording this stage of the song to ask in each concert of the song ??Sapito??.

With media information

