Popular celebrities victoria of his candidate in Aguadilla

Although he has not been officially certified, members of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) and Julio Roldán Concepción have secured, on Saturday, the victory in the Aguadilla Alcaldia contest through the vote count.

“During the day of high, for the third time in four months, the verdict of the Aguadillan people was reaffirmed: the change of legion to our city and no march back. My first words of appreciation are to Aguadilla’s electoral team, which defends the votes of the adjective process, the day of the elections, the scrutiny, the vote and the second vote. Sin ustedes, nada hubiera sido posible. Also, thanks to the President of the Popular Party, José Luis Dalmau and our Electoral Commission, licensed Gerardo “Toñito” Cruz, for the hard work of defending democracy and giving our disposition to all the resources of the party during this process, Comprehension in written statements.

Formerly, the president of the PPD and the Senate Chamber of Deputies, José Dalmau Santiago, shared in his social speeches, congratulations Roldán Concepción.

Asimismo, the general secretary of the PPD, Carlos Bianchi, published “Los invictos de Aguadilla. An election, 3 victories. @ julioroldan2020 ten #RecordElectoral Alcalde Felicidades “.

However, the chairman of the PPD compartment about Roldán Concepción “has the skills, the capacity and the superiority, the response and the carriage of the aguadillanos”.

The result is that the opponent of Roldán Concepción, Yanitsia Irizarry Méndez of the New Progressive Party, impedes the result of the election contest.

The Tribunal de Apelaciones ordered the weddings passed to the State Commission of Elections (CEE) to report to the municipal authorities to conclude the agency establishing “illegal” manner, in its rules of scrutiny, the type of votes that will be mixed.

“Aguadillanos and Aguadillanas have reaffirmed my commitment: in the new Aguadilla we will bring justice and the poorest months, and without delay. The terminal terminal and now we will have access to security. The adversaries who lost on three occasions the advice to attack against the democratic right of the people and to have their laws judged reprehensible acts with serious consequences. Take the necessary steps to make an injustice that is not going to happen. Now, let’s get to the point: build the new Aguadilla! ”, Añadió Roldán Concepción.

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