Pope Francis condemns those on holiday abroad to avoid coronavirus restrictions

Pope FrancisPope Francis Pope Appears After Missing New Year’s Mass Due to Pain Francis is going to skip New Year’s Mass due to sciatic pain Trump ends Obama’s 12-year career as the most admired man: Gallup MORE condemned people who were on holiday abroad to avoid coronavirus restrictions in their home countries during his Sunday prayer.

The pope said he was “saddened” after hearing news reports that people were flying abroad to enjoy themselves while the world dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. according to CNN.

“They are good people, but they did not think of those who stayed at home, of the economic problems of many people who were severely affected by the lockdown, of the sick,” Pope Francis said.

“[They thought] just about going on vacation and having fun. “It hurt me a lot,” the pope told CNN.

Pope Francis gave his Sunday prayer from the Apostolic Palace Library instead of his window outside St. Peter’s Square to prevent crowds from gathering.

“What each of us – and we can all do together – is to commit ourselves a little bit more to caring for one another and for what has been created, our common home,” he said in his New Year’s message, according to CNN. .

The pope’s remarks come as the world faces more than 85 million confirmed COVID-19 cases and more than 1.8 million deaths, while the US has the most cases with more than 20 million and more than 350,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

His message is consistent with his Christmas address in which he asked for the COVID-19 vaccines to be made available “The most vulnerable and needy.”

Pope Francis missed his New Year’s services last week due to chronic pain, but spoke later on New Year’s Day.
