Ponciano señala a Rocca y su representative de malos manejos – Guatefutbol.com

Guatemala. El Gerente de Municipal, el Lic. Selvyn Ponciano, revealing details of Ramiro Rocca’s salute, questions the maneuvering of the Argentine representative, as well as an important suggestion to footballers.

The late Gerente Administrativo de Municipal, Selvyn Ponciano, spoke to Guatefutbol.com, criticizing the representative of José Altalef over the death of Argentine delirium Ramiro Rocca of Municipal. The directive indicates that the form of hacerlo does not follow the most ethical.

“I believe that here is the contractor who will not lose the famous commission that they are trying to transfer to players who have done everything very quickly, and this is how Rocca wants to sell at the moment. The truck is not the ideal. If Rocca finds himself in a predicament on a problem in which the final quedo in the middle and the tampon are decided a lot, and that is creed all this time. Los dos no supieron manejar esa parte ”, commented Ponciano.

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Last but not least, the Rojo Directive recommends to players that they have a contract signed by FIFA in order to offer opportunities to sell abroad.

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