In the video, supported by Poncho, can appreciate it regalando an ambulance vendor mil pesos in order to be better able to descend in order to be able to follow his products, the act as a show of solidarity and conscience precedes the crisis that powder will overcome the adult mayor.
‘Mi satisfactory es ver esas lágrimas de alegría … Eso vale todo, el agradecimiento and he will descend the lord ”, dijo despues de haberle dado el dinero al senor.

The Mexican divides the comments between the internet, then as well as hubo quienes lo respaldaron making sure that he has a good idea to give the diner al viejecillo también are obvious hiccups that express him molestation with the actor, it is ensured that the incumbent had filmed the video and that only the bus would follow more followers to the publisher.
“Who has good things, no need to publish, so it’s like presumably“,” It’s not bad to help the project, it’s helped and is not related to the need to subdue, attention. Que asco ”,“ Que tu mano izquierda no sepa lo que hace la derecha ”, son some of the commentary of recitation.
‘Anime the help of the project that always says “,” The people will criticize, well by you Poncho, to be inspiring people “,” As well as viral donations, as well as need to go viral that everyone can grab a ticket to people of situation of calle o señores grandes que andan en cruceros vendiendo ”,“ Tal parece que a lotos les calas má haber recibido el billete para ellos que para el Sr. For me, it’s an excellent way of influence in the morning ”, se lee entre los que apoyan a Black Poncho.
This is the video:
Cabe destacar que De Nigris has been frequently reported on social media for regular money and then published below; the most recent success made in February of this year, when the fame of 45 years regal money to people in call situation.
A journey of the su cuenta de Instagram, Black Poncho shared a video where the aprecia regalando dinero to some people in the calls of Monterrey. Watch the video of the sus actos altruistas escribió:
“Do not do because you do, you do because. We will follow the call to meet people who really do necessarily and that is working treading the pan to the hogar. Todo corazón un poquito de lo que me dan “.