“Ponce Ciudad Ideal” is the new brand of the municipality

Alcalde administration Luis Irizarry Pabón presented at night the women the new brand of municipalities: “Ponce Ciudad Ideal”.

This initiative, which promotes the knowledge of the “Ideal City”, aims to expose its major tourist, gastronomic, architectural, historical and active assets, its people, with the proposal to cultivate all these elements, whether was easily reconciled with all the ambitions of the world as synonymous with La Perla del Sur.

“My administration has turned into a transformer cage for a new city, a line of opportunities, open and functional spaces for the benefit of all. We believe that this ideal city is possible and that it can provide the manpower of all the poor and the poor. We have two months to spare, we will deliver bicycles, we will reposition the brood, we will change the rumble and we will carry it to safety. We are looking for the agitator of the nightmare, from a coma induced by our detox as a city ”, said the first municipal executive in written statements to the press.

“Today we are looking back, with the red and the black as the standard of our movement we have a thoughtful city, an ideal city. It is: ‘Ponce Ideal City’, vanguard city, unique and complete. City with industries, educational centers, hospitals, airports and primary maritime port. Notwithstanding, nothing of the kind is possible without his diligent and compromised consent. This is our city brand. Ponce will create a world, abrasive and enamored with his songs and from where he is on the Puerto Rican will also create “, added Irizarry Pabón.

En la velada, the directors of Cultural Development, Tourist Tourism and Economic Development, Ernie Rivera Collazo, Iván “Yuye” Rodríguez y Jean Paul González, respectively, will present the new concept of the brand of the city in terms of its efficiency and impact.

“A city that is solely centered on its longitude and latitude, meaning that it is centered on the courage of its people, knowing that the development of a brand, is the basis on which the great cities are constructed. We aim to investigate and design the combination of key and distinctive elements that facilitate the reconciliation and positioning of Ponce, in the spirit of our people and their future visitors ”, the municipal tourism title details.

“The brand is the combination of the distinctive colors of the city, the red and the black, the Sun Trunco, semi-circular delicacies, in abanico form, which adorn the space on the habit of the gates in our colonial and insignificant architectural insignia in our Bombas Park. Finally, the column, an extra element of the architectural design of our historical theater Teatro La Perla. This architectural element of support is present in the new icon of our city, manifesting the spirit of the inconspicuous organ of thought ”, added.

For his part, the director of Economic Development explained that with a massive publicity campaign, marking a hit and recording an economic impact.

“This master plan integrates with the efforts of the public policy of economic development that we have begun to implement for the City. Our economy hopes for a community like this, necessitating a new model of business, more aggressive and dynamic, which will take account of our businesses, merchants and buyers, for thriving businesses. The age of the year, tenia that is eradicated and this initiative will position us in the delirium to overcome all the situations that we have to fight like Ciudad y País. Undoubtedly, this new image will be inserted in the 21st block, impulsive to capitalize on the adversity, creating new opportunities for business and commercialization without precedents, ”he said.

Formerly, the director of Desarrollo Cultural explained each time, characterizes the historic moment that is centered on a photographic representation in cartels that engulf the verja de la Plaza de La Esperanza.

“Contrary to our emblematic figures, relate our history and include the iconic places where all are right and wrong, there are no treasures that Ponce offers to enter the world and promote us energetically through our market. Although it is an ideal city, from which to look at the first ancient peoples in their lands, there are more than three thousand years before Christ. Fueron ellos, los que descubrieron este pequeño puntito en el mapa, donde la naturaleza sembró su belleza y afloraron la creativity, los sueños y el orgullo de ser de aquí, sentimientos que tuvieron rienda suelta y nos legaron el Ponce de hoy ”, relation Rivera Collazo.

The new brand and its logo will be shared with all merchants, for adoption in their promotions.
