Pompeo assures that Trump’s legacy is “more powerful” than the Capitol’s call: “History will reflect the good”

The Secretary of State for the United States, Mike Pompeo, assured this March that the Legacy of the President-elect, Donald Trump, was “most fortunate” that he had joined the Capitol and recalled that “history reflects the good of his Administration.”

The head of state diplomacy, who is a former ally of the neo-York magnate, has also stated that the Trump administration will be “recorded by the good work that the president and his team have accomplished.”

In an interview with the Salem radio broadcaster, Pompeo stated that “the actions shown to be a good job in favor of the stadium” and he insisted that the disturbances and the noise to the Capitol “not eclipsed” to all demás.

“As far as the fairs are concerned, there are various occasions that the person who participates must be identified and left before the Justice”, he assured antes de affirm that “his criminals should be treated like tal”.

Pompeo has avoided issuing any criticism of Trump over his speech in the wake of the incidents that took place in Congress last week, and the president has been accused of inciting “insurrection”.
