Poll: Debate over ‘iPhone box’ goes viral on Twitter, what do you take?

If you go to the Trending section of your Twitter app today, you will find a humorous trending topic: ‘iPhone box’. The debate is about whether to keep or throw away your iPhone box, and some users also share how they reuse their iPhone boxes.

The debate over the “iPhone box” went viral on Twitter today after one user tweeted a blunt message telling everyone to throw away their iPhone box. Since the tweet went viral, thousands of users have entered the debate, arguing over whether or not to keep their old Apple boxes.

Many Apple fans like to keep the boxes for all their products, mainly because Apple boxes have traditionally been high quality and well designed. This has changed slightly recently, and Apple has tried to reduce the size of iPhone boxes by removing USB chargers.

Here is the original tweet that started it all:

Personally, I’m in the team to keep your iPhone box – and all other Apple boxes for that matter. Specifically for the iPhone, the box may contain useful information about things like your serial number and IMEI. Furthermore, if you are going to sell your iPhone on eBay or another platform, it almost always helps to include the original box at the sale.

What about you? Are you in the team to keep your iPhone boxes or throw them away / recycle? Let us know in the poll below and expand in the comments!

In addition to the actual debate, many users on Twitter also share images of the clever ways they reuse their Apple boxes, ranging from joystick controllers to Halloween decorations and more. Here are some of our favorites.

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