Politics – Qanon and conspiracy theories

YOUThere is a high percentage of Republican voters who think they are actually massively fraudulent in the elections that President Trump will run in 2020, for example, there are millions of votes, 81 against 74. If so, there will be quarrels in the Capitol and serious patriotism and no one Violent violators of the law agreed upon by Trump that he would send the plan to the Democrats. Pero no es verdad.


It was treated as an impressive fauna. Jacob Chamsley, aka Jake Angeli, penetrated the North American Capitol through one of the ambiguous windows. Llevaba is a curious coyote skin shell that contains huge buffalo horns. Tenia la cara pintada en son de guerra de rojo, azul y blanc, los colores de la america bandera. His disgrace was the most visible. If you want to get premiums, hubiese raised the first. The corners and the helmet cover the aggressive calvic. I like to tattoo on the window, creepy, a huge day species. I was the QAnon chaman.

The chamans are the sacredities of the primitive tribes. Hacen las veces de curanderos y tienen, dicen, poderes sobrenaturales. QAnon is a combination of one of the most high gradations of those who have access to the secret secrets, to whom the Q assigns, while Anon is a contraction of “Anonymous”. Various times a mysterious letter Q has some of the “conspiracy theories” circulating on the Internet.

Curiously, the lord Angeli had to dismantle one of the most embarrassing conspiratorial theories that could be circulated by the most rogue trump card: that he was, in fact, a provocative agent co-opted by the Antifa gentry or Black Lives Mater among the Patriots chaos and disorder that ensues in the Capitol the 6th of January.

In a tweet sent by the shaman to Lin Wood, a spokesman for Donald Trump, and expert on how to dispel such rumors, Angeli explained that he had been forced to lie against his canals. Without dilation, persistence in the humpback whale that has been mounted on the cell while it grows is not the proportion of organic food that is needed in the esophageal body. The juicy, magnanimous and guaranteed, the food provider that he reo solicitaba.

The list of “conspiracy theories” is endless. Tienen que ver con la importancia de los protagonistas. Por eso los judíos son una fuente ondenkbare gerugte. As the origin of the plague was committed in the synagogues, and Rome was the center of the world when Emperor Theodosius I in Seal IV declared “locos o malvados” to women disobedient to the Christian bishops of the Rite of Nicaea, the judicial powers began to beber la sangre de los niños, ‘n envenenar los pozos de agua drinkbaar,’ n propagar las pestes ya cualquier perrería que se les ocurriera a sus adversarios.

From these circulating channels. A Anderson Cooper, presenter and commentator for CNN (or sea, the perfect definition of “the only one of the people” in our minds), the question to Jitarth Jadeja (from Hindu origin, peradounidense), QAnon’s renunciation, and his creation that he, Cooper, feeds on the carnage of the nines, when the old women sang the song. Jadeja le dijo que sí y le pidió fordón. His explanation was that, if he were part of a cult, he would create the risk of creating something.

Create, for example, that on September 11, 2001, there was a secret military operation that did not respond adequately to the attack on the dry tower in the Pentagon.

O sostener que ese día, ¡oh casualidad!, No fue ningún judío a trabajar a las Torres Gemelas. But the palm of the hand is the negation of an aviation of the sequels radiating against the edifice of the Pentagon “because we have seen it”.

Is there any sublime cure for women screened in conspiracy theories? My temo que no. There is a reality therapy that is capable of convincing you that you are a jerk and you want to modify your behavior, because you will not have to die until you die. But eliminate the absurd type of thinking that you should create in the zombies or in the extraterrestrials that we visit, do not have a clear and immediate message.

Donald Trump’s secretary states that the elections actually produce a deep deception in their lanes, but not a change of convictions. Many say that they were forced by the “deep state” to save their lives. The darían otra vuelta a la turku. Sólo eso.
