Political alliances register 62,000 delegates to observe the elections of the second world in Ecuador | Politics | Notice

The Electoral National Council rejects allegations of electoral fraud. Its president, Diana Atamaint, has a plethora of publications and publications.

In the days when the elections of the second world are taking place, the electoral alliances that participate with presidential binomials and accredited 62,000 delegates to observe the installation of the joint receptors of the vote (JRV) and the scrutiny that is made after 17:00.

The President of Electoral National Council (CNE), Diana Atamaint, detailed this Friday, April 9 that, in a preview report, the alliances of Union for the Esperanza (UNES), which announced the candidacy of Andrés Arauz, y de CREO-PSC, of the candidate Guillermo Lasso, he enrolled 62,000 delegates, although not exactly counted by each coalition.

To ‘count the votes’, aspirant political movements will draw 80,000 people in the voting months

El CNE design – a 277,263 members of the voting receptors, to integrate 39,915 joints and load 24 provincias and load 3 definitions from the outside. They are located in 4,377 electoral records.

For that matter, the two political alliances will be able to cover miles of citizens, in order to observe the development of the electoral process.

The aspiration of each of the parties and political movements that participate in the ballot with their candidates are ten delegates for each of the 39,915 votes cast for the vote.

In an interview with Teleradio, Atamaint also publishes publications on those that are advised by the organization stardia preparing an electoral fraud, after the April 11 voting.

Casi 300 international observers accompany the election of the second world of April 11

The middle Page 12 Argentina accuses CNE of a “source” over this denunciation, which Atamaint exhorted to this “official” and to accuse the Fiscalía generaal del Estado and “entregue las pruebas necesarias”.

Y, “if it is unsuccessful, it is because somebody has invented this notice and that it has failed to legitimize the electoral process. It’s a panfleto, ”said the counselor.

As part of the organization of the second world, in the near future, the CNE’s plenary will resolve whether it will not expedite and on the biosecurity protocol for the application of the day of supragio. (I)
